Saturday, January 20, 2024

Genocide In Darfur Silence

 Why does the mass rape, murder and genocide in Darfur against the black Muslim population by Arab militias continue to be ignored? 

Because Israel is not involved?

Because Arabs, including the Arabs now called Palestinians, can only be seen as victims? 

Because the genocide and slaughter does not fit into simplistic narratives of who can be considered blameworthy against a fictional world of pristine angels? 

Hundreds of thousands of people have already been murdered in the Darfur genocide, and millions of people have been turned into refugees. 

It will not end because the world is silent. No one cares about the loss of human life unless the loss of human life can be used to exploit and promote religious and political agendas. 

Silence is complicity many proclaim, while they are careful and selective regarding what to be vocal about, even when rape, murder, and genocide are involved.

The people of Darfur remain helpless, unprotected and without a voice.

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