Monday, January 8, 2024

Killing In The Name Of Religion, Nigeria, Oct 7

 People are being murdered because they belong to the wrong religion in the eyes of their murderers. Rather than challenge the many that champion this evil committed in the name of religion and God, some kind of warped political correctness dictates instead that the ideologies and beliefs of the murderers must be protected. 

 Christians in the north of Nigeria are being slaughtered. It is estimated that over 40,000 have already been murdered, and that millions have been turned into refugees. 

There is no shortage of people, organizations and even entire countries that believe their only obligation in this short life that each of us has been granted is to kill those that believe differently. There are no protests when they rape, murder, behead, burn alive, mutilate and kidnap.

It is easier to blame the climate, occupation, or some other reason than face the fact that millions of people worship death and killing, and believe that murdering and raping is God ordained. 


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