Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Left and Progressive Support for The Most Fascist, Jew Hating Force On the Planet

 The left and progressive support of the most powerful reactionary force on the planet makes mockery of their belief that they are an actual progressive force for peace, justice, or anything beneficial. 

The most reactionary force on the planet is a fascist, imperialistic movement that despises Jews and wants the whole world to submit to their religious beliefs. They believe fully that deliberately harming and murdering civilians is completely justified. They believe that raping, harming, murdering, enslaving, kidnapping, beheading, burning alive, mutilating, and torturing civilians are not only not sins and terrible evils, but what God ordains and wants.

The fictional left and progressive alliance are the useful idiots for those that seek to murder Jews and all that oppose their demented, demonic beliefs. These useful idiots provide political cover to the most violent, reactionary force on the planet and help them to expand and grow. 

Because there are far too many people that need a scapegoat, need the Jew to hate, the alliance between religious Jew hating fascists, many other overt Jew haters, so called leftists and progressives and others, ensures endless cycles of violence, war and misery. 

Foolishly it was believed the world would unite to stop the terrible things that threaten human existence, including nuclear weapons and their proliferation, biodiversity collapse, loss of wildlife, destruction of the environment, including destruction of rain forests, other forests, marine habitats, mangroves, coral reefs and more, the poisoning of the environment, including from plastic, forever chemicals and much more, climate change, stopping the mass poverty and terrible wars all over the world that destroy countless lives, ending repressive rule by vicious, cruel and violent religious and political dictators and regimes, but no, instead the world unites around hatred for the Jew and destroying their one small country.

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