Saturday, January 27, 2024

Most Effective Way To Remove Plastic Trash, Simple, Unprofitable And Thus Ignored

Scientists warn that plastic trash, microplastics and so forth are a major threat to human health, oceans, wildlife and the environment at large.

Some advise participating in beach cleanups. There is nothing wrong with beach cleanups, but minimalistic feel good interventions do nothing to resolve major issues. 

No serious problem is resolved by volunteerism alone. In many developing countries, where there are enormous amounts of plastic waste and poverty, people need paid work. They cannot afford to be volunteers.

There is one simple approach that can remove far more plastic from the environment than all of the beach cleanups and all of the expensive technological interventions combined, including expensive ships that collect garbage from the ocean itself and that harm marine life in the process. 

Pay people to remove plastic trash from coastlines and elsewhere.

There is massive poverty in the world. Millions of people the world over need constructive work. 

Plastic trash destroying coastlines and other habitats is so enormous and harmful that millions of people can immediately be put to work to start the cleanup process. 

It will require millions of people to effectively do the cleanup, not a small scale project here or there.

Because this approach is simple and unprofitable, there is little to no interest. Altruism too often is about ulterior motives, and simplicity is too easy to understand and implement in order to appeal to arrogant elites with the power to change things.  

Far better waste management the world over is greatly needed. In much of the developing world, there  is the same dependency on plastic as there is in the developed world, without there being any waste management collection or services at all. Decreased dependency on plastic is also needed. 

For plastic trash already destroying coastlines and many other habitats, there is no more effective way for it to be removed than simple, straightforward employed manual labor.

What are we waiting for? For cancer rates to skyrocket even more and for oceans and animal life to collapse? 

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