Tuesday, May 23, 2017

An Islamist Suicide Bomber Commits Mass Murder. The War That Must Be Won That Is Not Being Fought

     It is becoming a familiar story. A Muslim man or woman becomes more religious. But by becoming more religious, they become more deadly, culminating in a deadly attack against innocent, defenseless people. After the attack, the public is often told that it is an aberration and that Islam is peaceful, and to think otherwise is racist.
     Islam is a religion and not a race. To oppose the values that far too many embrace in the Islamic world, values and beliefs that are oppressive, hate filled and bigoted, is not racist. Islamist apologists that do not oppose Islamic bigotry and violence and pander to it in the name of political correctness or open mindedness only fuel the hate, bigotry and violence.
     Islam can be a religion of peace and tolerance, or it can be a religion of violence and intolerance. Anyone can read the Quran and see for themselves that this duality exists in the Quran itself. In this day and age in which Islamic violence and terror are tearing this world apart, what is not needed are more Islamist apologists telling us how wonderful is Islam. We do not need to hear it anymore than we need to hear how wonderful is Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, or any other religion. Or how they read the Quran and gush over it in order to show us how open minded and progressive they are. 
       There are passages straight from the Quran that are the playbook for the evil ISIS is committing. 
Instead of promoting the version of Islam that embraces peace and tolerance, a number of oil rich nations have been promoting the most intolerant, hate filled versions of Islam.
         Now we have evil organizations like ISIS. ISIS is a demented manifestation of oil rich Islamic nations that keep spreading the hate filled, intolerant versions of Islam, which guarantees generation after generation of hate filled ISIS like Islamists. The 22 year old Muslim man that thought it his religious duty to blow himself up in a crowd of mostly children and teenagers attending a music concert believed this act of enormous evil was his religious duty. His thinking, his actions, are not the rare aberration that they should be.
           The war will not be won by winning a physical war. The war of ideas must be won. If the version of Islam that embraces peace, goodwill and tolerance prevails, there will be a bright future for humanity. If the Islam that prevails embraces war, violent jihad, bigotry, hatred, intolerance, suicide attacks and other forms of terror, then the future of humanity will be very dark and bleak. 

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