Friday, May 26, 2017

Democracy Not Now, Phony Leftist Concern For Children And A Blind Eye To Islamists

     On a leftist media cable channel, the point was made that the children killed and wounded by American bombs in Yemen, Syria and elsewhere deserve the same concern and attention as the children killed in the Manchester attack. Yet the only concern these leftists have for children is when they can be used to make political points.
      Meanwhile, they continue to ignore the atrocities committed by those they put in the victim class. The lives of children means nothing to them unless they have been killed by America, Israel or the west. There is no outrage regarding the deaths of children in Africa when it is black on black killing, or the mass killings by Islamists, or the killings committed by any nation or organization that they consider part of the victim/oppressed class.
          As long as thousands of children continue to be killed in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere by Islamists, not by Americans and not by Israelis, the leftist silence will continue. Islamists and those they place in the victim class never are held responsible for the child casualties of war. Because the leftists do not hold Islamists responsible, they never have to answer how it is possible to respond to the wars Islamists start and wage without children getting harmed.

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