Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Chechnya, Gays and Torture. Human Rights In An Islamic Theocracy

     An article in the news today concerns gay people being tortured in Chechnya. A Chechen official denied this is taking place by asserting that there are no gays in Chechnya. Putin, who has a loyal tyrant running the Chechnyan Islamic republic, takes a hands off posture as long as Chechnya no longer presses for independance. Meanwhile, life in that Islamic republic, typical of most Islamic republics, requires mindless conformity and an intolerant mindset.
     Many people that press for human rights are inexplicably silent when it comes to the Islamic world. Maybe it is out of fear for being labeled Islamophobic. Maybe it is because of the hypocritical way in which human rights are selectively applied.
     There is some percentage of the population that will always be gay. Even people that hate gays and choose to have children cannot control whether or not their own children will be gay. Meanwhile, the gay population of Chechnya, which will not go away just because some people wish it to go away, are being tortured and brutalized.

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