Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Failure To Properly Navigate And Hold Nonprofits (Charities) Accountable

       When the actual program or service a charity provides is ineffective, worthless or even harmful, which is the case for many charities considered legitimate, it does not matter if the charity is transparent in their accounting, in their willingness to provide information about their organization, and in their willingness to explain their actions to donors.
        The key word here is efficiency, which is far too often lacking in the evaluations of charities. Furthermore, significant harm results when people mistakenly believe serious problems are adequately addressed by charities, when often nothing could be further from the truth.
         No one reputable would evaluate a for profit entity without evaluating the efficacy of the programs, products or services of that entity. There is no excuse for nonprofits (charities) to be held to a lesser standard.


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