Why would anyone believe that Trump was the president for the little guy? Was there any single thing in his past that indicated he represented the interests of average working class Americans?
People are suckers for false promises.
They also listen to the constant stream of nonsense from one side or the other of the political spectrum, not realizing that criticism does not translate into having anything better to offer.
They also listen to the constant stream of nonsense from one side or the other of the political spectrum, not realizing that criticism does not translate into having anything better to offer.
The hero worship and infatuation for the rich is far from ending.
The rich will get richer under Trump, further consolidating their hold on almost all of the power and wealth of the nation. While people become more and more dependent on the rich and their philanthropy, they will continue working at low wage jobs that ensure their inability to be dependant on themselves.
Tax breaks for the rich, huge increases in military and police spending; all the hallmarks of turning a powerful nation into another third world nation. The rich argue that they already pay a greater percentage of the taxes, and so they should not be burdened any further. They fail to mention that they receive all the privileges and the best of everything. Their pampered lives do not deserve even more indulgence.
Great nations are not made from selfish, greedy people. Great nations do not rely on the charity and philanthropy of the rich, which is but a pittance compared to the benefits that they receive. Nations that coddle, pamper and pander to their rich are abundant in the world. They are not the strong democracies with strong middle classes.
The tax reform the Trump elitists want will make the rich richer, the American aristocracy stronger, and significantly increase the national debt. It will be another death blow to democracy.
Great nations are not made from selfish, greedy people. Great nations do not rely on the charity and philanthropy of the rich, which is but a pittance compared to the benefits that they receive. Nations that coddle, pamper and pander to their rich are abundant in the world. They are not the strong democracies with strong middle classes.
The tax reform the Trump elitists want will make the rich richer, the American aristocracy stronger, and significantly increase the national debt. It will be another death blow to democracy.
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