Monday, May 22, 2017

Are Land Trusts, Like Anti Dogfighting/ Animal Cruelty Programs, Another Way To Make Boatloads Of Money?

      Too often the plight of animals are exploited by animal organizations that capitalize on suffering to raise money for themselves.
      There is already widespread exploitation of animal cruelty and dogfighting by animal organizations that provide a false perception about what they do, while offering nothing but ineffective, worthless, even harmful programs. People too often accept the claims of these organizations on face value, assuming incorrectly that organizations that claim to help animals cannot be self serving and exploitative. This contributes enormously to animal suffering. Furthermore, when people are mislead, no demand is made to properly address serious matters.
       If land trust programs are not held accountable and scrutinized as to their efficacy, then they will fail just as anti animal cruelty and anti dogfighting programs have failed. They will be nothing more than another money maker for undeserving organizations.

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