Saturday, May 13, 2017

Whales, Plastics, The Philippines And The Oceans.Time For Seriousness, Not Stunts

     In the Philippines, an international conservation organization created a statue of a whale with plastic litter coming out of its mouth. The idea is to draw attention to the plastics and trash contaminating the oceans.
     This has generated free media attention for the organization. It gives the appearance that the organization is doing something about saving the oceans without having to do much of anything.
     They must be aware that in the Philippines, a huge amount of plastics and other oil based contaminants enters into the ocean because the Philippines, like many other nations, lacks adequate resources to properly remove and dispose of trash.
       They must be aware of the huge amounts of trash that litter the coastlines, lands and waterways, and that other than an occasional high publicity one day clean up event here or there, no one is doing anything.
        They must be aware that if they are so concerned about plastics and other oil based contaminants entering the oceans, they can open their pocketbooks a little and hire local people all over the country to clean up the coastlines, lands and waterways. This will help the poor by giving employment, it will help the country, it will help the environment, and it will help the Pacific Ocean.
         Every day worldwide thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other oil based poisons enter into the oceans. This is an unaddressed nightmare that is killing wildlife and the oceans. People are not immune from this disaster.

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