Dear Mr. Dicaprio, Before you continue with an alliance with certain wildlife organizations, be sure the money you encourage people to contribute helps animals. Be sure the money is not making rich animal organizations richer.
It is unlikely the vaquitas will be saved from extinction, now that their numbers are thirty or less. 30 or less vaquitas spread over a large area fraught with danger lack genetic diversity. Even making their environment safer, no easy task, may not be enough to overcome the small gene pool left for these unfortunate porpoises. Nonetheless, the effort needs to be made. After all, when the last vaquita is gone, it is gone forever.
An organization you encourage people to send money to listed the vaquita as one of their top conservation success stories in the year 2013. In 2013, vaquitas had a greater chance of being saved than now. Far too little was done, and no one should have been claiming success. It is a common story in the world of environmental and wildlife protection of far too little being done far too late. A number of wildlife and animal welfare organizations organization have grown incredibly rich since their inception, while overseeing a massive depopulation of wildlife worldwide coupled with a massive increase in animal cruelty.
True wildlife protection, just like the protection of domestic animal species from cruelty, cannot be left in the hands of private nonprofit organizations that prove time and time again to be ineffective and even harmful. Organizations manipulate sentiment as the means of enriching themselves, while failing over and over to protect the very animals that bring them fortunes.
This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Erdogan And Turkey's Descent Into Islamization And Corruption, Using Israel And Al Aqsa As Diversions
Protests were organized in Turkey against Israel's implementation of metal detectors at the Al Aqsa Mosque.
Why, it is reasonable to ask, were the protests necessary when Israel already capitulated to Arab Muslim mobs and removed the metal detectors days ago?
It is necessary because without the Jew, without Israel, how else can the Islamist dictator of Turkey keep people numbed and dumb? How else can he divert attention away from himself? How else can he continue Turkey's descent into Islamist theocracy and away from democracy?
Israel is the best thing the Islamist world has going for it. It allows them to remain corrupt, thieving, decadent, brutal, without ever being held responsible for anything because there is Israel to blame for everything.
Why, it is reasonable to ask, were the protests necessary when Israel already capitulated to Arab Muslim mobs and removed the metal detectors days ago?
It is necessary because without the Jew, without Israel, how else can the Islamist dictator of Turkey keep people numbed and dumb? How else can he divert attention away from himself? How else can he continue Turkey's descent into Islamist theocracy and away from democracy?
Israel is the best thing the Islamist world has going for it. It allows them to remain corrupt, thieving, decadent, brutal, without ever being held responsible for anything because there is Israel to blame for everything.
Day Of Death And Suffering; Sunday's Election In Venezuela
Today the fraudulent election in Venezuela, Maduro's effort to further consolidate power and turn Venezuela into a dictatorship, resulted in at least 16 unarmed protesters killed. Maduro cynically claimed, "Emperor Trump wanted to halt the Venezuelan people's right to vote." This has nothing to do with Trump. This has everything to do with Venezuela.
Maduro and his corrupt, drug dealing Hezbollah affiliated vice president are killing people in order to stay in power. Like tyrants everywhere, they believe only their lives matter. They think they live forever and are never held accountable to a higher power.
The death toll in Venezuela is now well over 100 unarmed protesters killed. The Venezuelan people want democracy, not dictatorship, and are dying for their effort.
Maduro and his corrupt, drug dealing Hezbollah affiliated vice president are killing people in order to stay in power. Like tyrants everywhere, they believe only their lives matter. They think they live forever and are never held accountable to a higher power.
The death toll in Venezuela is now well over 100 unarmed protesters killed. The Venezuelan people want democracy, not dictatorship, and are dying for their effort.
Al Gore; Inconvenient Truths, Choosing Jihadism Over Environmentalism
Al Gore was one of the owners of Current TV, a progressive media outlet that had a pro environmental tilt. Current TV was sold to Al Jazeera in January, 2013 for hundreds of millions of dollars. The reasons given to justify the sale included rationalizations about the good intentions of Al Jazeera and rhetoric that they would carry on the Current TV agenda, including being a voice for the voiceless and speaking truth to power.
It was reported that a right wing radio personality, Glenn Beck, wanted to buy the network but was refused for ideological reasons.
Does Al Jazeera, wholly owned by Qatar, speak truth to power in Qatar? Does Al Jazeera speak for the voiceless foreign workers in Qatar, especially vulnerable foreign domestic women workers, many of whom have been subject to sexual and physical abuse, along with slave like labor conditions? Does Al Jazeera find absolutely nothing wrong in Qatar to report, an oil rich monarchy that is hardly a paradise for hundreds of thousands of foreign workers that do the work Qataris are too lazy to do? Is there nothing to report about the extreme materialism, decadence and affluence of Qatar's pampered royalty and ruling class?
Qatar welcomes leaders of Hamas, the Taliban and other jihadist groups, that are more than happy to live the good life in Qatar. Regarding the millions of Muslim refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and elsewhere; no room in oil rich Qatar for them.
The Islamic jihadists gleefully killing all over the world like brainwashed sheep get funded from somewhere (Saudi, Qatar, Iran, etc). Al Jazeera deflects the jihadist agenda with the pretend talk that the west buys regarding resistance and occupation. It is a way of ensuring Islamist Jihadists, like Hamas, never have to make peace and can keep fighting and killing endlessly. Qatar, like Islamists everywhere, need someone to blame for all the failures in the Islamic world. They are incapable of responsibility, and need a scapegoat. (Guess who is their favorite?)
Did oil rich Qatar open its doors to the Muslims fleeing Myanmar? What about the Yemenis who are starving and dying, caught between the Saudis and Iran and their proxy armies?
What about the black Muslims of Darfur, still being raped and slaughtered by Arab Muslims? Did Qatar open their doors? Are Darfur refugees welcome in Qatar? What about Palestinian Arabs? Of course not, they must be kept stateless, waiting for the days when they hope Islamic jihadists destroy Israel and commit genocide against its Jewish population. Did Al Jazeera even once talk about the millions of Jews that are the descendants of Jews driven out from Arab Muslim majority lands to the state of Israel, and that now form the majority population of Israel?
What about the black Muslim refugees in the Central African Republic? Are they welcome in Qatar?
Did Qatar, flush with oil money, take in any refugees? Any surviving Yazidis? Any middle east Christians? Any Muslim refugees?
Or are only the leaders of Islamic jihadi terrorist organizations welcome to live in Qatar's affluence and decadence?
No, Al Gore, Qatar and its Al Jazeera did not pursue the environmental agenda that you could have pursued. You had Current TV, and since the time it was sold until now, you could have alerted the world to the serious environmental problems that are threatening mankind's existence by putting it front and center.
It is not just global climate change that could have been kept center stage. Current TV could have delved deeply into how the plastic and oil based waste of mankind are killing the oceans and wiping out species. It could have delved deeply into the collapse of biodiversity, the loss of rainforest, coral reefs, and mangroves the world over. It could have delved deeply into countries where practically every river and body of water is a toxic dump. There is so much environmental damage and destruction to flora and fauna committed by mankind that could have and should have been exposed.
But who will do it? You had your chance. You had the voice. You had the media outlet.
Instead, money dictated that the progressive and environmentally conscious Current TV media went to the jihadists, not the environmentalists. And ironically, a strong voice of environmentalism was lost to a fossil fuel rich nation. A nation whose oil contributes to global climate change. A nation that uses its oil wealth not to improve the world's environment, but to further jihadism.
The liberal and leftist media want Al Gore to be the face of environmentalism and global climate change, but that may be doing more harm than good.
Hopefully, people that are not fans of Al Gore will separate their feelings about him from their ability to be environmentally concerned. Protecting the environment does not need celebrity heroes. It needs everyday people's concern and involvement.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Mutilating Fish And Marine Wildlife And The Response By Humane, Against Cruelty Organizations
It was in the news recently regarding several fishermen and their treatment of ocean wildlife. While there are some animal organizations that are involved in an infantile, nonsensical effort to stop fishing, there is no serious effort to stop the mistreatment of marine wildlife.
Humans have relied on fish as a major source of food, protein and nutrition for thousands of years. Serious efforts to establish humane practices in the treatment of fish and other marine wildlife are still lacking. There has been progress by some corporations regarding the humane handling and slaughter of fish. There are ways to handle and kill fish as painlessly as possible, and the implementation of these methods are to be applauded.
There are many people that fish that are respectful of the life they are taking, and do what they can to minimize pain and suffering.
But there are many others that have no regards for the fish they capture. For example, it is the practice by many to catch fish they consider junk, and then to cut off a third or so of the fish's body while it is alive, put the still living fish on a hook and use it to catch other fish. The mutilated fish can live for hours in this painful, mutilated condition.
Fish out of water are completely vulnerable. Fish experience pain and suffering. The most humane thing people can do is inflict the least amount of suffering on these animals.
Because fish are not dogs or cats or one of the few animals people care about, there is no serious advocacy to ensure their humane treatment. The humane, against cruelty type organizations go where the money is, and since money, not humane treatment, is their priority, marine wildlife remains without true advocates.
Ensuring the humane treatment of fish and marine wildlife and their sustainability is not only ethical and ecologically important, but important for human survival.
Humans have relied on fish as a major source of food, protein and nutrition for thousands of years. Serious efforts to establish humane practices in the treatment of fish and other marine wildlife are still lacking. There has been progress by some corporations regarding the humane handling and slaughter of fish. There are ways to handle and kill fish as painlessly as possible, and the implementation of these methods are to be applauded.
There are many people that fish that are respectful of the life they are taking, and do what they can to minimize pain and suffering.
But there are many others that have no regards for the fish they capture. For example, it is the practice by many to catch fish they consider junk, and then to cut off a third or so of the fish's body while it is alive, put the still living fish on a hook and use it to catch other fish. The mutilated fish can live for hours in this painful, mutilated condition.
Fish out of water are completely vulnerable. Fish experience pain and suffering. The most humane thing people can do is inflict the least amount of suffering on these animals.
Because fish are not dogs or cats or one of the few animals people care about, there is no serious advocacy to ensure their humane treatment. The humane, against cruelty type organizations go where the money is, and since money, not humane treatment, is their priority, marine wildlife remains without true advocates.
Ensuring the humane treatment of fish and marine wildlife and their sustainability is not only ethical and ecologically important, but important for human survival.
American Gangs, MS-13, And Immigration
The United States has an enormous gang problem. Gangs are in control of vast low income neighborhoods throughout the country. Gangs are in control of many public housing projects. Gangs are in schools. Gangs run many jails and prisons. Gangs make enormous sums of money from the drug trade. In many areas, gangs run the drug trade. Many gangs are well armed. Guns are an easy thing to get in the United States. There are gangs with arsenals that far exceed that of police departments. There are terrorist and extremist organizations that have alliances with certain gangs.There is a lot of money to be made from drugs and these alliances are lucrative.
Many children and young people grow up in areas in the United States where gangs are a major, or the major, socializing influence. None of this is new information. Gangs have been around for a long time.
Politicians, police officials and others gain political points when they talk tough about gangs. This also has been going on for a long time. It gains them not only political points, but also good media coverage. Afterall, there is no one that will argue that gangs are a good thing or that gangs should be supported.
The many years of ineffective approaches to gangs, the many years of tough talk and simplistic solutions, the many years of tough talk mixed with blind eyes to this dark underbelly of America, have assisted gangs in expanding and growing.
When the government has aggressively pursued the destruction of one gang, scoring political points and publicity, what is not reported is who becomes the beneficiary of such action. Taking down one gang strengthens their rival(s). People might think one gang is less vicious than the next, but such is not the case. When the government aggressively pursues one gang's destruction, it is almost as if the government is on the payroll of that gang's enemies.
There are many things that can be done to weaken gangs, not just one gang (which requires a much lengthier discussion).
The government wants to blame gangs on illegal immigration. Once again, simplicity and scoring political points are pursued over reality.
American gangs are a wholly owned American creation. Even the notorious MS-13 originated on the streets of Los Angeles. If instantly all of MS-13 disappeared, there would be no less of a gang problem in the United States. MS-13 did not invade the United States from Central America. MS-13 originated in the United States, and then spread the virulent disease of American gangs and American gang culture into several Central American countries.
The United States should focus its immigration efforts on removing criminals that are illegally in the United States. But blaming immigrants for America's gang problem is counterproductive.
The United States must also be aware that the spread of the pathological American gang culture to countries outside of the United States destroys other countries, and results in new waves of desperate people fleeing their native lands to escape the violence.
The irony is that deporting MS-13 and other gang members and criminals contributes to illegal immigration and the destruction of law and order in other countries. Therefore, all efforts to destroy MS-13 and other gangs cannot stop at the borders of the United States. Other countries need American assistance to combat the United States created gangs that are destroying their nations.
The United States must choose law and order over political grandstanding. Illegal immigration did not create the American gang problem. The American gang problem, now that it has spread outside of the United States, contributes to illegal immigration. Decent people do not want to live in neighborhoods, in communities, in cities and in countries controlled by gangs. American gangs and American gang culture is spreading, fueled by drug money, and there is still no serious effort to stop it.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Venezuela's Effort To Legalize Dictatorship
An election will be held on Sunday in Venezuela that is nothing but a charade to legalize dictatorship. The government has banned protests. People continue to protest, even as their death count rises, along with the number of people beaten and jailed. The government is brutally suppressing its own people.
It is not enough that the Maduro/El Aissami regime have stolen billions of dollars. It is not enough that poverty, unemployment and malnutrition have significantly increased. It is not enough that Vice President El Aissami has opened Venezuela up to Iranian/Hezbollah and drug dealing interests, not the interests of the Venezuelan people. It is not enough that hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans are desperately fleeing the country, with most going to Colombia. It is not enough that people desperately lack food and medicine. The regime wants more. It wants unlimited power and wealth.
It is not enough that the Maduro/El Aissami regime have stolen billions of dollars. It is not enough that poverty, unemployment and malnutrition have significantly increased. It is not enough that Vice President El Aissami has opened Venezuela up to Iranian/Hezbollah and drug dealing interests, not the interests of the Venezuelan people. It is not enough that hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans are desperately fleeing the country, with most going to Colombia. It is not enough that people desperately lack food and medicine. The regime wants more. It wants unlimited power and wealth.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Another Garbage Patch Discovered In The Pacific And Why It Does Not Help
A boat captain that heads an environmental group traveled the South Pacific and found a new garbage patch. The publicity it generated highlights a problem that people will continue to do nothing about. It is like a person with a mouthful of cavities and infected teeth going to a new dentist who discovers yet another rotten tooth. "Will you do something", asks the patient with the rotting teeth. "No", replies the dentists, "I only tell you what is infected. I don't do anything about it".
No one in the world has to travel the far seas to know that the oceans are full of plastic. Anyone, and it does not have to be a fund seeking scientist or organization, can stay on land near the ocean, and see the enormous amount of trash that enter into the oceans daily. Every single day thousands upon thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other oil based non biodegradable contaminants enters into the oceans. The simple act of employing people to remove this destructive waste from coastlines, waterways and lands will not happen. This could provide employment for millions of people in countries such as China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Egypt, and other countries that are major sources of the plastic contamination. It is more important for people to watch some meaningless stock grow then save the planet
The world's efforts are devoted to war, waging jihad, making money, killing an enemy, pursuing some high tech endeavor, shopping, but not to managing garbage and keeping plastics from killing the oceans.
While stock markets make new all time highs, the real wealth of the planet deteriorates. Inflated stocks, money, weapons, a religion, will not protect mankind from the environmental catastrophe that is being unleashed.
No one needs a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. The huge amount of plastics and other contaminants that enter the oceans daily do not magically disappear. They break down into virtually impossible to capture small particles. Most of it never ends up in the garbage patches of the world. It disperses in the oceans, killing seabirds, turtles, whales, manta rays, dolphins, fish and other marine life, just as it one day will destroy mankind.
The United States Helps Fund Jihadist And Hate Organizations
When hate is pursued under the cover of religion, there is no excuse for the government to allow tax free status. No mosque, church, temple, religious school, or any religious institution that promotes and disseminates hate, bigotry or violence towards another religion or others should exist as a tax free entity.
The United States must stop funding bigots.
1. Take away their tax free status.
2. Do not allow them to proselytize in any public institution or in any institution that receives public funding, including jails, prisons, schools, community centers, and so forth.
The United States must stop funding bigots.
1. Take away their tax free status.
2. Do not allow them to proselytize in any public institution or in any institution that receives public funding, including jails, prisons, schools, community centers, and so forth.
Why The Jews From Arab Majority Lands Escaped The Yazidis' Fate
If the Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands and other Muslim majority countries did not flee, often for their lives, to the state of Israel, where their descendants now make up the majority of Israel's population, they would suffer the same fate as the Yazidis. Without Israel, they would have been slaughtered, with their women and girls made into slaves subjected to the worst physical and sexual abuse.
The Yazidis, who have no state of their own, and no one to protect them from Islamic jihadists, were mass murdered, with their women and girls taken as sex slaves by demented Islamists.
Middle east Christians, who have lived in the middle east for many centuries before there was an Islam, have also been ethnically cleansed. Jews lived in the middle east for thousands of years before there was an Islam. They have been driven out from almost everywhere in the middle east and from other Muslim majority lands. It is not enough that the Jews now live in the small state of Israel. The intolerance, bigotry and hatred emanating far too often from the Islamic world demands that there be genocide. Occupation and settlements are not what keeps the conflict from getting resolved. Those are deflections that appease the west and mask the true Islamic jihadist agenda.
Hamas just applauded the 19 year old Arab Muslim that stabbed four Israelis, killing three. To Hamas and other Islamic jihadists, peace is achieved only one way. It is what has happened to the Yazidis. If there is no place in this world for religious minorities and ethnic groups to survive and prosper, then the world will become the Islamist hell as demonstrated by ISIS, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, Al Shabaab, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and many more.
Quality, Affordable HealthCare Will Not Come From Trump
Health care costs in the United States are out of control. As the number of seniors grows, the amount of money spent on health care will only increase. Both political parties need to start thinking out of the box. A single pay health care system needs to be considered.
In third world countries, medical personnel generally receive low wages because there is an inadequate economic base to support them. In the United States, if wealth keeps going to health care, which is not a productive sector, although a necessary one, it will weaken the overall economy and put the United states at a disadvantage to other developed nations.
Providing affordable, quality health care is not something that can easily be rushed into. The urgency to repeal flawed Obamacare and replace it with nothing better, or something worse, is folly. Both political parties need to think this out thoroughly and not be restrained by political ideology. Americans need quality, affordable health care. It is not achieved by political grandstanding.
Regarding the president, who likes to tweet his two cents into the mix, people should remember that Trump promised affordable health care that is far superior to Obamacare. He boasted and made promises, but proved to be absolutely clueless. Hopefully responsible men and women elected officials will not follow Trump's lead.
In third world countries, medical personnel generally receive low wages because there is an inadequate economic base to support them. In the United States, if wealth keeps going to health care, which is not a productive sector, although a necessary one, it will weaken the overall economy and put the United states at a disadvantage to other developed nations.
Providing affordable, quality health care is not something that can easily be rushed into. The urgency to repeal flawed Obamacare and replace it with nothing better, or something worse, is folly. Both political parties need to think this out thoroughly and not be restrained by political ideology. Americans need quality, affordable health care. It is not achieved by political grandstanding.
Regarding the president, who likes to tweet his two cents into the mix, people should remember that Trump promised affordable health care that is far superior to Obamacare. He boasted and made promises, but proved to be absolutely clueless. Hopefully responsible men and women elected officials will not follow Trump's lead.
Monday, July 24, 2017
A German And Yazidi Teen; Islamic Jihad For One, Rape And Slavery For The Other
In the news today were two stories regarding two different teens. One concerned a German teenage girl that converted to Islam, travelled to Iraq, married a jihadist from Chechnya, and became a jihadi herself. The other story concerned a Yazidi teenage girl that was one of the many Yazidi girls and women taken as slaves by ISIS Islamists. For six months she was raped daily, until she managed to escape. Presently she is being treated in a German psychiatric hospital.
The Islamists see the Yazidi as devil worshippers. This is their excuse to rape, murder, make slaves of women and children, and act in a way far worse than the devil itself.
The hatred, bigotry, murderous jihadism that is all too prevalent in the Islamic world is destroying lives all over the world. The German teen chose to embrace this evil. The Yazidi girl, a member of an ethnic group, the Yazidis, follow a religion far older than Islam. The rampant hatred in the Islamic world by far too many towards Yazidis, towards Jews, towards Baha'is, towards middle east Christians, towards secular Muslims, towards Buddhists, towards other religious minorities, must be confronted, or this world will be washed in blood.
The world stood by and did nothing while Islamic jihadists mass murdered Yazidis and took Yazidi women and girls as slaves to be horribly brutalized. Thousands of Yazidi girls and women are still held captive.
The Islamists see the Yazidi as devil worshippers. This is their excuse to rape, murder, make slaves of women and children, and act in a way far worse than the devil itself.
The hatred, bigotry, murderous jihadism that is all too prevalent in the Islamic world is destroying lives all over the world. The German teen chose to embrace this evil. The Yazidi girl, a member of an ethnic group, the Yazidis, follow a religion far older than Islam. The rampant hatred in the Islamic world by far too many towards Yazidis, towards Jews, towards Baha'is, towards middle east Christians, towards secular Muslims, towards Buddhists, towards other religious minorities, must be confronted, or this world will be washed in blood.
The world stood by and did nothing while Islamic jihadists mass murdered Yazidis and took Yazidi women and girls as slaves to be horribly brutalized. Thousands of Yazidi girls and women are still held captive.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Middle East Petrodollars Bring Islamic Jihadist Hate To the Philippines And World
When Islam expanded throughout the world, it often adapted to local cultures which at times had a moderating, progressive influence. But petrodollars have enabled the oil rich nations of the middle east to spread their hate filled intolerant versions of Islam. Now children in the Philippines, in Pakistan, in places far from the middle east, are being indoctrinated and brainwashed into becoming hate filled jihadists. The Philippines must not assume it is a blessing that the middle east has come to their nation and has opened schools and mosques. All over the world, petrodollars are spreading virulence.
Marawi, Gaza, Why Islamic Jihadists Prefer Densely Populated Areas
Marawi follows an all too common pattern. Islamic jihadists wage war from a densely populated city. The only way they can be defeated means destruction, death and harm to civilians. The Islamists get the attention they seek. They also win the propaganda wars from the failure to hold them accountable for civilian casualties.
Governments must act with as much care as possible.. But the eagerness to not hold Islamists responsible only fuels their thirst for war and blood.
Governments must act with as much care as possible.. But the eagerness to not hold Islamists responsible only fuels their thirst for war and blood.
Maduro And The Venezuelan Fat Cats, The Art Of Robbing From The Poor
It is in the interest of the United States and all of North America, Central America, South America and the nations of the Caribbean that Maduro and his drug dealing Iranian/Hezbollah affiliated vice president, Tareck El Aissami, not continue their destruction of Venezuelan democracy.
Maduro stated the following, "The imperial right wing believes it can give orders to Venezuela, the only ones who can give orders here are the people."
The people are speaking, by the millions. Maduro does not want to listen. Instead, protesters are being beaten, arrested and killed.
Regarding the imperial right, does Maduro and the thieves that now run Venezuela really think they are men and women of the people? They have stolen from the poor to give to themselves. And not just a little. They have enriched themselves beyond imagination, and now have sprawling estates, mansions, exclusive properties and assets inside and outside of Venezuela, along with billions of dollars, while the Venezuelan people go hungry.
Maduro stated the following, "The imperial right wing believes it can give orders to Venezuela, the only ones who can give orders here are the people."
The people are speaking, by the millions. Maduro does not want to listen. Instead, protesters are being beaten, arrested and killed.
Regarding the imperial right, does Maduro and the thieves that now run Venezuela really think they are men and women of the people? They have stolen from the poor to give to themselves. And not just a little. They have enriched themselves beyond imagination, and now have sprawling estates, mansions, exclusive properties and assets inside and outside of Venezuela, along with billions of dollars, while the Venezuelan people go hungry.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Hostage to Religious Violence; Al Aqsa Mosque Metal Detectors
Weapons were brought into the Al Aqsa Mosque. Three Israeli Arab Muslims then used the weapons to kill two Israeli police officers, before getting killed by Israeli security forces. Israel installed metal detectors to prevent this from happening again.
Now there is rioting to protest the installment of the metal detectors.
A 19 year old Palestinian Arab man snuck into a house and stabbed to death an elderly Israeli man and two children, and wounded an elderly woman, before being shot by an Israeli who came to the scene after hearing their cries. The Palestinian Arab said he wanted to be a martyr for the Al Aqsa Mosque.
There is not a metal detector in the world that has ever stabbed, shot, or harmed anyone. Nonetheless, we will now hear every excuse in the world for the religious violence. We will be led to believe yet again that the violence emanating from the Islamic world is caused by external forces and oppression (ignoring the massive amount of oppression and bigotry in the Islamic world towards religious minorities and some secular Muslims). We will fail yet again to ask why many of the followers of Islam are brainwashed into believing it is their religious right to riot, stab, murder, blow themselves up, plant bombs, and deliberately attack and harm civilian populations.
Ignore the pathological crybaby Jew haters that are weak minded and need a scapegoat to blame. Instead, look all around the world. The murdering, bigotry, rioting, terrorism, is not limited to Al Aqsa, metal detectors and Israel. The world is held hostage to religious violence.
Now there is rioting to protest the installment of the metal detectors.
A 19 year old Palestinian Arab man snuck into a house and stabbed to death an elderly Israeli man and two children, and wounded an elderly woman, before being shot by an Israeli who came to the scene after hearing their cries. The Palestinian Arab said he wanted to be a martyr for the Al Aqsa Mosque.
There is not a metal detector in the world that has ever stabbed, shot, or harmed anyone. Nonetheless, we will now hear every excuse in the world for the religious violence. We will be led to believe yet again that the violence emanating from the Islamic world is caused by external forces and oppression (ignoring the massive amount of oppression and bigotry in the Islamic world towards religious minorities and some secular Muslims). We will fail yet again to ask why many of the followers of Islam are brainwashed into believing it is their religious right to riot, stab, murder, blow themselves up, plant bombs, and deliberately attack and harm civilian populations.
Ignore the pathological crybaby Jew haters that are weak minded and need a scapegoat to blame. Instead, look all around the world. The murdering, bigotry, rioting, terrorism, is not limited to Al Aqsa, metal detectors and Israel. The world is held hostage to religious violence.
Friday, July 21, 2017
A Troubled, Disabled Man Drowns While Teenagers Laugh, Videotape, And Do Nothing
A troubled, disabled man walked into a retention pond in Cocoa, Florida, fully clothed. A group of teenagers on the other side of the pond watched and videotaped the man as he entered into the pond, struggled in the water and then drowned. When the man realized he was in trouble and drowning, he cried out for help.
The teenagers watched, videotaped and laughed at the man as he was drowning. No one made any effort to try and save him. No one called the police.
The man's body was discovered days later.
Plenty of people as they get older start to fear death, which they know is coming sooner rather than later. It is not like being young, when death seems for many like a far away, hard to imagine possibility. When reading about things like this, and thinking about the kind of world this is, and the way people act or fail to act, it makes one worry about the future of young people that have to live in this world. If there is such a thing as a fountain of youth, it might not be as desired by the elderly as some might think.
A troubled human being entered into that pond. It was in the capacity of those young people to help or at least try and help. How the smallest shred of decency and compassion was missing is hard to fathom. Here was a rare opportunity for these young people to display gallantry and courage. They would have been honored for it. What they failed to do is beyond disgraceful.
The teenagers watched, videotaped and laughed at the man as he was drowning. No one made any effort to try and save him. No one called the police.
The man's body was discovered days later.
Plenty of people as they get older start to fear death, which they know is coming sooner rather than later. It is not like being young, when death seems for many like a far away, hard to imagine possibility. When reading about things like this, and thinking about the kind of world this is, and the way people act or fail to act, it makes one worry about the future of young people that have to live in this world. If there is such a thing as a fountain of youth, it might not be as desired by the elderly as some might think.
A troubled human being entered into that pond. It was in the capacity of those young people to help or at least try and help. How the smallest shred of decency and compassion was missing is hard to fathom. Here was a rare opportunity for these young people to display gallantry and courage. They would have been honored for it. What they failed to do is beyond disgraceful.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Trump, Obamacare And Preexisting Conditions
Trump may think he can walk away from Obamacare, or defund it, and that it will not be his failure. Whatever happens to healthcare, it is his to own.
He said as a candidate, he promised, that he had a better plan than Obamacare that would provide superior medical services at a lower rate. Affordable, great health insurance.
It turns out he had no plan and no idea what he was talking about.
Senators, congressmen and congresswomen have great health insurance. They do not have to worry about things such as preexisting conditions. They do not have to worry about how they are one small medical emergency or sickness away from financial ruin.
Flawed Obamacare should be improved and corrected, not thrown away. The vulnerable population of millions with preexisting conditions, protected by Obamacare, must not be thrown to the wayside. Millions of people with preexisting conditions, if they lose their insurance, will face financial ruin and hardship. It will cost the government billions. Let us hope the shortsighted elected officials that are as clueless as Trump regarding health care do not prevail.
He said as a candidate, he promised, that he had a better plan than Obamacare that would provide superior medical services at a lower rate. Affordable, great health insurance.
It turns out he had no plan and no idea what he was talking about.
Senators, congressmen and congresswomen have great health insurance. They do not have to worry about things such as preexisting conditions. They do not have to worry about how they are one small medical emergency or sickness away from financial ruin.
Flawed Obamacare should be improved and corrected, not thrown away. The vulnerable population of millions with preexisting conditions, protected by Obamacare, must not be thrown to the wayside. Millions of people with preexisting conditions, if they lose their insurance, will face financial ruin and hardship. It will cost the government billions. Let us hope the shortsighted elected officials that are as clueless as Trump regarding health care do not prevail.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Killing For Allah; Murder In The Al Aqsa Mosque
Three Israeli Arab jihadists killed two Israeli policeman from inside the Al Aqsa Mosque, and were subsequently killed by Israeli security forces. The Al Aqsa Mosque is considered to be the third holiest place for Muslims, but that did not stop the jihadists from killing. Israel shut down access to the Al Aqsa Mosque while it considered new security measures. The mosque has since reopened, but now there will be metal detectors for those wishing to enter.
Al Jazeera, never missing an opportunity to bash Israel, held a panel discussion where, as usual, the Israeli selected to represent Israel shares Qatar's Islamist agenda.
Other coverage of the incident in the Arab Islamic press decried the violation of religious freedom by Israel, without a single word of indignation about the police killings. Their message is that bringing weapons into Muslim holy sites and mosques must not be prevented because that violates Muslim religious freedom and the right to kill Jews and infidels.
Hamas, the true color of far too much of the Palestinian movement - namely that this is a war by jihadi Islamists for Islamic domination, not a nationalistic struggle by a disenfranchised population - call for more attacks on Jews, and for Muslims the world over to join in a holy war against Jews.
There would be no occupation if the goal was statehood for Palestinian Arabs instead of the establishment of an Islamic caliphate on the ashes of Israel. Already over 99 per cent of the middle east and North Africa is under Arab Muslim control. Because the king of Jordan is a Muslim, not a Jew, there is no demand for a Palestinian state on that land even though Palestinian Arabs are over 60 per cent of the Jordanian population. When the west bank was under Jordanian control, no Palestinian Arab considered the land occupied and demanded a Palestinian state.
The civilized world, not the Islamist jihadist world and their pathological Jew hating supporters, want desperately for an end to this conflict. Occupation is the excuse Islamists use to justify their war against the Jews. There would be no occupation, no Israeli presence on the west bank, had Arab Muslims not tried destroying the state of Israel.
The Palestinian Arab cause fails because it is a movement that pursues ethnic cleansing. The Arabs already ethnically cleansed and expelled their Jews during the time the state of Israel was formed. In fact, a greater number of Jews were ethnically cleansed and driven out from Arab lands than the number of Arabs ( now called Palestinians) that fled from Israel during the war of 1948.
Palestinian Arabs must choose between statehood, whether it is a two state solution or a one state solution that all sides agree upon, or the Islamist goals that only Muslims can rule and that Jews must be subjugated and ethnically cleansed. Islamist goals of ethnic cleansing, murder, genocide, rape, sexual slavery and subjugation of non believers and the people of other faiths, are being pursued all over the globe.
Al Jazeera ignores the murders of the policemen and focuses on the Israeli response, which they call a violation of religious freedom. (When Jordan controlled the west bank and East Jerusalem, Jews were not allowed to worship at their holiest place. Israel grants religious freedoms to Muslims that Muslim ruled Jordan never granted to Jews.) Qatar and its al Jazeera media arm; nowhere to be seen when it comes to abused foreign workers in Qatar, or Islamist slaughtering throughout the world that Qatar has helped finance, cannot see the wrong in murder if the murdered are Israeli. Qatar and Jordan complain about Israel installing metal detectors at the entrance to the Al Aqsa Mosque, but have no condemnation for the murderers that are the reason for the metal detectors.
If the civilized world had any guts, it would demand Palestinian Arabs choose statehood and stop Jew killing and their pursuit of the Islamization of Israel. If they continue to choose Jew killing and violent jihad, then the civilized world should not listen to their complaints about occupation.
Islamist jihadists bring on the repression they decry. What way is there to respond? By giving them lands, countries, and freedoms they deny to others? They murder and abuse their freedoms in South Thailand, South Philippines, North Nigeria, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Gaza, Somalia, Darfur, Europe, Kashmir, and more, because those that believe in killing for Allah are incapable of creating anything that is good.
Islamist jihadists bring on the repression they decry. What way is there to respond? By giving them lands, countries, and freedoms they deny to others? They murder and abuse their freedoms in South Thailand, South Philippines, North Nigeria, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Gaza, Somalia, Darfur, Europe, Kashmir, and more, because those that believe in killing for Allah are incapable of creating anything that is good.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
The Children Of Abusive Parents Never Fully Escape; Childhood Adversity And Adult Disease
A public radio station had a segment regarding childhood adversity and adult disease. Childhood adversity contributes to a significant decrease in life expectancy. Childhood adversity paves the path to significantly higher risks of a number of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and injuries. Abusive parents, the source of one form of childhood adversity, keep punishing long after they are gone. Even resiliency is not a defense against the shortened lives and increased risk of cancer and other diseases. How sad it is that children that are prisoners of abuse never fully escape.
While Oceans And Earth Are Trashed.....
Whether a mass extinction is taking place now, as some scientists allege, or whether we are inching towards a mass extinction and a point of no return, as other scientists allege, what is undeniable is that mankind is causing the rapid loss of species and biological diversity.
Many species have declined by more than 90 per cent, often the result of habitat loss. Human overpopulation, a topic few are willing to tackle, and that meets steep religious resistance, puts a demand on land and water resources that exceeds the carrying capacity of the earth. Every year, more rainforest and other important biologically rich areas are lost or depleted. There are not, for example, nearly as many fish in the oceans as there were decades ago, and far less than what was present a century ago. A number of studies indicate there has been a significant decline in not only mammal, bird, and other vertebrate populations (other than domestic animals that are pets or used for consumption), but also in insect populations ( but not mosquitoes, who benefit from the enormous decline in many of the species that eat them or their larvae).
By the time religions catch up to the 21st century, it will be too late. The idea that people can breed without limitations is difficult to counter when a number of religions have their followers convinced otherwise.
While waiting for a time in which mankind wakes up and learns to treat this earth with respect, and in order that all is not lost by then, what little of nature is left must be protected.
In one tropical country, typical of many countries, most of the coral reefs, mangroves and rainforests have been lost, with devastating results - flooding, landslides, mudslides, weather related events made worse. The huge loss of wildlife and biodiversity, the collapse of fish populations, have resulted in hunger and poverty. The country is polluted, overpopulated, with hardly a river or fresh body of water left that is safe to drink or swim in. Garbage is everywhere.
Conservation and wildlife organizations must put conservation ahead of their own bottom lines. It is better that in this effort, they disappear while saving what little of nature is left, instead of nature continuing to disappear while they grow.
The few forests, mangroves and coral reefs left in that tropical country and other countries need to be protected by an international effort led by non corrupt countries that recognize saving the natural world means saving humanity itself. Conservation must be seen as human survival, and needs to be treated with the same urgency in which countries treat defense.
Protecting new and existing national parks, nature reserves and marine sanctuaries means jobs. Manpower is necessary to keep places protected and clean.
Conservation has to move beyond the puny efforts of the private sector, which has not been an effective model. The private sector, nonprofit and for profit, can aid and assist international efforts led by a consortium of non corrupt nations.
Religions must not accept the trashing of the earth. Already religion has contributed far too much towards the bloodshed, bigotry and hate in this world.
People's concern for animals must move beyond the cult like worship of a few species, mainly dogs or cats. Animal organizations make fortunes knowing dogs and cats are where the money is at(while failing to do anything meaningful regarding animal cruelty, let alone conservation).
A massive effort needs to be initiated to stop trashing the oceans with plastics and other non biodegradable oil based contaminants. One part of this effort, the simple act of removing trash from the land, waterways and coastal areas, can employ millions.
Trawling the seafloor turns it into a wasteland and needs to be immediately outlawed. All destructive fishing practices need to end. Threats to the oceans, including plastics, styrofoam, oil based non biodegradable garbage, dumping of poisons, radioactive waste, overfishing, acidification, and many more threats, are turning the still productive ocean into a desert.
Is the wealth of the planet in the health of the planet, or in its stock markets? Keep destroying the planet and it will not matter if the dow jones industrial average or the s&p 500 reach 10 million.
Protecting the earth is not a luxury, and it is not an optional choice. The money to do it is there. It is the will that has been lacking.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
The World Has Lost Billions Of Birds And Other Wildlife, But Gains New Facebook Ads
News stories last week reported that a mass extinction is taking place caused by human overpopulation and overconsumption. Scientists concluded that this is a crisis that threatens the survival of human civilization. They believe the window of time in which this crisis can be stopped is limited.
The scientists found that billions of animal and plant populations have been lost, including rare and common species.
As the stock market reached all time highs in the United States, the news about the loss of billions of songbirds, parrots, raptors, bats, bees, butterflies, frogs, fish, turtles, and countless other species of animals and plants did not raise eyebrows.
The media spotlight and raised eyebrows concerned Donald Trump Jr., and a supposed new advance for human civilization - Facebook will have advertisements on its messenger site. Over consumption, driven by advertising, wins.
Defeating ISIS Militarily Does Not Mean The War Ends
If the religious ideology that drives ISIS is not defeated, then ISIS will be defeated militarily, but the war will not be over. ISIS as an organization may cease to exist, but it lives on in other organizations that already exist, or in new ones that will form. The brutality, bigotry and cruelty of ISIS already exists in a number of other organizations, including Boko Haram, Abu Sayef, Al Shabaab, and more. ISIS alienated some Muslims because of its indiscriminate brutality, not because of the brutality itself.
The west allows itself to be falsely reassured by certain Islamic nations and organizations that tell the west what it wants to hear, but provide different messages to their own citizens and Muslim audiences, messages that promote (or at best do not discourage) bigotry, hate, and violent jihad.
Whether this world will know war or peace will be determined largely by the choices made in the Islamic world. If Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance prevails, then many intractable conflicts will end. If Islam is dominated by religious intolerance, superiority, exclusivity, and violent jihad, then it does not matter how many times this ISIS or other ISIS type groups are militarily defeated, the killings and wars will not end.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Fukushima, Tritium, Plastics; The Pacific Has A Point Of No Return
The Fukushima damaged nuclear reactor is in the news regarding a plan to release tritium contaminated water into the Pacific. It is argued by company officials and others in favor of the release that tritium contaminated water is not highly radioactive, that it poses little risk, and that the contaminated water will be sufficiently diluted by the Pacific.
Apart from whether or not this is true, a dangerous precedent has already been set in which the oceans are used to dispose of poisons, garbage, radioactive materials and other contaminants. At what point will the great Pacific Ocean no longer be capable of diluting everything mankind throws its way?
Everyday thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable waste enters or is dumped into the Pacific. Out of sight, out of mind, or so people think. But it does not disappear. It breaks down into smaller, virtually indestructible particles.
The assault on the Pacific comes from many directions: plastics, poisons, seafloor trawlers and other destructive fishing practices, overfishing, acidification, coral reef destruction, destruction of coral reef islands and atolls, ghost nets, the killing off of apex predators and most large fish, to name but some of the threats. Not that many decades ago, the Pacific was used to test atomic bombs, rendering certain areas radioactive to this day. That was stopped. Unfortunately, the plastic poisoning of the oceans has only accelerated.
There is a point of no return, in which the Pacific can no longer dilute or absorb what mankind throws its way.
Apart from whether or not this is true, a dangerous precedent has already been set in which the oceans are used to dispose of poisons, garbage, radioactive materials and other contaminants. At what point will the great Pacific Ocean no longer be capable of diluting everything mankind throws its way?
Everyday thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable waste enters or is dumped into the Pacific. Out of sight, out of mind, or so people think. But it does not disappear. It breaks down into smaller, virtually indestructible particles.
The assault on the Pacific comes from many directions: plastics, poisons, seafloor trawlers and other destructive fishing practices, overfishing, acidification, coral reef destruction, destruction of coral reef islands and atolls, ghost nets, the killing off of apex predators and most large fish, to name but some of the threats. Not that many decades ago, the Pacific was used to test atomic bombs, rendering certain areas radioactive to this day. That was stopped. Unfortunately, the plastic poisoning of the oceans has only accelerated.
There is a point of no return, in which the Pacific can no longer dilute or absorb what mankind throws its way.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Jeff Sessions Determination To Continue Losing The War On Drugs
Drug abuse and drug addiction are complicated problems that contribute to the destabilization of nations, the rise of powerful gangs that destroy neighborhoods and lives, corruption, a huge and destructive black market, and this is to say nothing of their impact on drug users, drug addicts and their families. The drug trade benefits criminals and terrorist organizations. Even the vice president of Venezuela and Hezbollah are in on the action.
Thinking out of the box is complicated and therefore unappealing to many. It is easier to talk tough. Get ready for a new round of what has been tried and what has failed many times.
Jeff Session is not the first tough talker, and he will not be the last. He will continue failed policies, hoping this time for a different result. He will also waste government money on expanding the dated Dare program that a number of studies concluded does not work.
After a lot of money is wasted, the jails and prisons become fuller, gangs, criminals and terrorists become richer and more powerful, the fossilized war on drugs will not bring us to a better place than where we are now.
When Animal Cruelty Arrests Are In The News; A Sign of Failure, Not Success
Animal cruelty is a common occurring crime that is rarely enforced. Arrests for animal cruelty continue to make the news, which is a sign that the enforcement of the unexceptional continues to be exceptional. The fact that common occurring crimes are newsworthy is a sign of failure, not success. While some people and organizations benefit from the publicity, animals and people continue to suffer from the unpublicized failure.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Animal Organizations That Contribute To Animal Abuse And Dogfighting
The animal organizations that keep advertising that they are the help for abused, helpless animals are not being truthful. They are the very reason that help will never arrive for almost every abused animal. Animal abuse will never be appropriately addressed by law enforcement as long as animal organizations keep exploiting abused animals in order to promote themselves. Their programs and interventions are not only limited, ineffective and at times harmful, but they perpetuate the false impression that animal cruelty is adequately addressed. They also are the enablers that allow law enforcement to continue its dysfunctional and minimal response to animal cruelty and dogfighting. The exploitation of voiceless animals continues.
Trump Looks Like Putin's Useful Idiot
The United States is stuck with a man that lied his way into the presidency, backed by millions more than willing to believe his b.s. He promised a lot, and it turns out to be nothing but hot air and empty promises. He had no plan for health care. He had no plan or idea how to bring back manufacturing jobs. He had no plan for stopping North Korea's missile and nuclear weapons program. He had no plan for stopping Islamic fanaticism. His administration is full of the same billionaire and millionaire super rich crowd that have always served their own interests, not working and middle class interests. By the time this is over, the United States will be full of more tax breaks for the rich, an end to estate taxes so the road to oligarchy continues, more debt, a stronger Russia and other American adversaries, and a weakening of America's leadership role.
Trump tweeted that he hoped to be Putin's best friend when he was in Russia at a Ms. Universe beauty pageant. During the election, Russian television kept pushing Trump over the flawed Clinton. Putin wanted Trump, and so Russian television followed their master's lead. Putin got what he wanted. The weaker and more foolish the United States appears, the stronger Putin becomes. Trump thinks that because he is increasing military spending, it shows his independence from Russia. No, it does not. Russia does not fear conventional war with the United States. Nuclear powers can never go to war unless they have decided to end human life as we know it. The United States squandering its wealth on its bloated military does not weaken Russia.
A couple of lessons from all of this.... stop worshipping people because they have money, power, or are celebrities. Stop following blindly. Stop believing so easily in promises. Stop believing that because someone is a successful business person he or she is automatically qualified for politics or other things. The rich and powerful are not superior human beings, no matter how much they, or the people that kiss their asses, believe otherwise. For whatever reasons Trump needed to be president, whether it was ego or something else, he is looking more and more like Putin's useful idiot.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Venezuela; People Protesting Peacefully For Freedom Are Being Murdered By The Government
The Venezuelan leaders, calling themselves socialists, have robbed from the poor to give to the rich; themselves. While they, their families and their cronies have amassed huge fortunes, palatial mansions and estates and all the trappings of the super rich, the Venezuelan people, desperate for a fair and just government, are out on the streets peacefully protesting. Their peaceful protests are brutally suppressed. Venezuelans that want freedom, justice and democracy are getting killed by police and military forces that are defending a regime that no longer has an ounce of decency.
Monday, July 10, 2017
American Islamists Wish For Jihad Against Trump, And The Phony Fight For Civil Rights
For years Americans and others have listened to Islamists talk about killing westerners, killing Jews, killing Yazidis, killing infidels, killing Christians, killing Muslims that do not believe as they do. For years Americans and others have watched helplessly as terrorist attack after terrorist attack takes place. Over and over, instead of addressing their concerns and need for safety, political and religious leaders worry about political correctness and not offending Muslims.
Islamists and their leftists followers helped Trump get elected by pushing people towards, not away, from Trump
Trump was not concerned about political correctness. That refreshness helped him get elected. (Which does not mean he is qualified or thick skinned enough for the job. The democrats, if they ever want to win elections again, need to stop being the party of pandering and political correctness. The republicans pretend to be different, but they are as ingratiating as the democrats. They recently completed the largest arms deal ever made with the Saudi state, even though Saudi Arabia is one of the world leaders in spreading Islamist bigotry and violent jihad.)
There is an American woman that fancies herself as a civil rights leader and as one speaking truth to power. She recently called for jihad against Trump. Perhaps she did this to gain attention, knowing full well how charged is the word jihad ( she insists her jihad is nonviolent).
Typical of Islamists and their leftist supporters, they will condemn the United States or Israel, but not the Muslim majority lands where there are no civil rights - the Muslim controlled lands where there is horrific oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide, including against religious minorities. Islamists decrying Islamophobia is like nazis decrying prejudice against Germans.
It would be a miracle if Islamists and their leftist followers really stood for civil rights, minority rights, and religious freedom.
And so, they remain silent and complicit.
Silent while people are murdered in Pakistan and elsewhere for blasphemy, a freely thrown about charge where innocent people are falsely accused, and where people are killed for what they think, say or write. Criticising Islam is a death sentence in many Islamic majority lands.
Silent when a political leader is thrown in prison for blasphemy in Indonesia.
Silent during the mass murder of Yazidis, moderate Muslims and middle east Christians.
Silent while thousands of Yazidi women and young girls are still held captive by Islamists.
Silent during the Arab Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide against black Muslims in Darfur.
Silent while the Kurdish people continue to be denied their freedom and their own homeland.
Silent while the persecution of Baha'is in Iran continues.
Silent while the Iranian backed Lebanese occupation army, Hezbollah, pursues its genocidal ambitions against Jews, no matter how much destruction this brings to Israel and Lebanon.
Silent during the Hamas Islamist control of Gaza, turning the densely populated small enclave into their base for terrorism and war, instead of a center of commerce, education, production and trade.
Silent while Islamists slaughter and rape in the South Philippines.
Silent while Islamists slaughter, rape, and cause famine in Nigeria and Somalia. Silent during the mass slaughter and Islamist induced famine in Yemen by Iran, Saudi and others.
Silent during the slaughter of Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Silent while Islamists kill thousands of Buddhists in South Thailand.
Silent while Islamists kill in Kashmir.
Silent while Islamists kill in Kashmir.
Silent while gays and lesbians are persecuted and murdered in Chechnya and elsewhere.
Silent while Islamists, like the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, viciously suppress women and girls, including shooting girls in the head that want to go to school.
Silent while Islamists kill in Libya, all over Africa, Europe, North America and Asia.
The list goes on and on.
The American Islamists and their leftists followers pretend to care about civil rights, or about speaking truth to power, or any of the nonsense they deceive gullible people into believing they believe.
Few are willing to speak truth to power and stand up against the powerful forces in the Islamic world that insist punishment and killing for blasphemy and apostasy is right....that hating and killing infidels, Yazidis, Jews, and others is acceptable.... that marrying first cousins generation after generation is acceptable, even encouraged (instead of the genetic disease producing, iq lowering nightmare that it really is)..... that insist minority and other religions are inferior to Islam, and that the people of those religions do not have the same rights as Muslims...... that insist that it is acceptable to enslave, tax, murder, rape or forcibly convert the people of other religions.
There is a huge problem in the Islamic world with intolerance, bigotry, imperialism and violent jihad, and it is keeping this world washed in blood. It will not be corrected by Islamists and their leftist followers and their phony cry for civil rights.
Hungary, George Soros, Muslim Immigration, Jewish Scapegoating
The mass immigration into Europe of refugees from Muslim countries cannot be laid at the foot of one man, no matter how rich, likeable or dislikable he may be. There are many rich and/or powerful people from a variety of backgrounds that favor more immigration. The pope, one of the most powerful, influential men in the world, wants Europe to take in more Muslim immigrants. So does the powerful head of Germany, Merkel, as did Obama and a host of others from a variety of religious and political backgrounds. Soros has become the poster boy for the immigration Hungary does not want. Soros is widely disliked, including among many Jews, but that has not stopped many cry baby Jew haters from using Soros as a justification for their hate. Soros is Jewish born, but like some other Jews that reject their background, is vehemently anti Israel (some people from a Jewish background despise Israel not because of the reasons they give, but because of unresolved childhood anger issues). Soros not only does not speak for Jews, he opposes the one small Jewish state in the world.
Soros speaks for Soros and his followers, not Jews. There are people too bigoted and too foolish to realize that. Soros's money unfortunately gives him an outsized voice. There are those that want to believe in a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, with Soros at the helm. Weak, cowardly people need the Jew as their crutch. They need the Jew as their scapegoat. They need Soros like figures to hate and despise and use as an excuse to hate an entire people. They need easy answers and a target to hate, and the Jew is the world's oldest and most convenient scapegoat. (Racists crybabies accuse Jews of wanting to make impure the white race, even though Jew is a religion and ethnic group, not a race. Many of these crybabies are some of the biggest supporters of the Islamists. One of these racists crybabies, a rich, lazy man that never had to work a real job - Jew hate is often the way to get easy money - runs back and forth to Iran, a place that welcomes his Jew hating obsession.)
The flood of Muslims into Europe has not been good for the small number of Jews remaining there. Jew hatred is rampant in the Islamic world. Europe is becoming less safe for Jews. Even when Jews are forced to flee to Israel, which is where Arab Muslims sent their Jewish populations fleeing, the Jews living in Israel are told that they can no longer live even there. That is land for Muslims only, Islamists insist, supported by leftists and neonazi rightists that support any and all ethnic cleansing, hatred, Jew hatred, and human rights abuses as long as it is Muslims committing the abuses.
Soros speaks for Soros and his followers, not Jews. There are people too bigoted and too foolish to realize that. Soros's money unfortunately gives him an outsized voice. There are those that want to believe in a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, with Soros at the helm. Weak, cowardly people need the Jew as their crutch. They need the Jew as their scapegoat. They need Soros like figures to hate and despise and use as an excuse to hate an entire people. They need easy answers and a target to hate, and the Jew is the world's oldest and most convenient scapegoat. (Racists crybabies accuse Jews of wanting to make impure the white race, even though Jew is a religion and ethnic group, not a race. Many of these crybabies are some of the biggest supporters of the Islamists. One of these racists crybabies, a rich, lazy man that never had to work a real job - Jew hate is often the way to get easy money - runs back and forth to Iran, a place that welcomes his Jew hating obsession.)
The flood of Muslims into Europe has not been good for the small number of Jews remaining there. Jew hatred is rampant in the Islamic world. Europe is becoming less safe for Jews. Even when Jews are forced to flee to Israel, which is where Arab Muslims sent their Jewish populations fleeing, the Jews living in Israel are told that they can no longer live even there. That is land for Muslims only, Islamists insist, supported by leftists and neonazi rightists that support any and all ethnic cleansing, hatred, Jew hatred, and human rights abuses as long as it is Muslims committing the abuses.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
What Maduro And El Aissami Give To Venezuela
There are many things Maduro and vice president El Aissami give to the Venezuelan people.
Long food lines.
Long food lines.
Lack of medicine.
Food shortages.
High unemployment.
Poverty and misery.
Food shortages.
High unemployment.
Poverty and misery.
Authoritarian rule.
Political prisoners.
The failed socialism of Cuba, the Soviet Union, Ethiopia under Mengistu.
The violent suppression of peaceful protest.
The flight of professionals and educated people away from Venezuela.
The transformation of Venezuela from a thriving, stable democracy into a thug, drug and thieving police state.
Venezuela was a country where oppressed people from other countries fled to. Now it is the Venezuelan people that are oppressed and fleeing to other countries.
Venezuela is recklessly destroying its environment and water resources. It also has significantly lowered environmental protection in regards to the use of Venezuela's considerable oil resources.
Venezuela's multi millionaire vice president, Tareck El Aissami, accused by the United States of running a state sponsored international drug trade, uses the socialist ideology as a cover for his real agenda. Meanwhile, he has opened Venezuela up to some of the middle east's shadiest characters, granting them visas and safe access in an out of Venezuela.
Maduro wants to be ruler for life. El Aissami pursues Iranian/Hezbollah Islamist goals funded by narcotics and Venezuela's considerable oil wealth. Venezuelans just want their lives back.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Trump In Poland: Whitewashing History Of Murdered Polish Jews Dishonors Heroes of Poland
Trump, recently in Poland, gave a whitewashing speech. It may make the leaders of Poland and some Polish people feel better to whitewash their own history, to replace honesty with flattery, to assume that victimhood under German and then Russian rule frees the nation of responsibility, and to even rewrite their own history.
Not all Poles were heroes. During the time of Nazi occupation, there were Poles that actively helped the Nazis by betraying their fellow Polish Jewish citizens by turning them over to the nazis or by helping the nazis track down Jews.
There were Poles that assisted in the genocide of Polish Jewry. One Polish historian at Princeton University carefully documented how many Jews were murdered by Poles, not by nazis.
The Poles that resisted the nazis, that were not collaborators, that did not turn in their fellow Polish Jewish citizens, that did not engage in the murder of their fellow Polish Jewish citizens, should never be put in the same league as those cowards and Jew hating Poles that helped the nazis by collaborating, by turning in Jews, or by actively assisting in the nazi genocide by killing Jews themselves. The Polish heroes that risked their lives sheltering and saving Jews, often at the cost of their own lives, will always be in a heroes league of their own.
To this day Poland will not face its long history of anti-semitism. Jew hatred is still rampant in virtually Jew free Poland and among many Poles living inside and outside of Poland. (One Polish man defended his hatred by declaring that other Europeans are even more anti-semitic, and that because this hatred is widespread, therefore the negative perceptions, feelings and stereotypes must be correct.)
A Polish historian at the University of Ottawa in Canada wrote a book, "Hunt For The Jews. Betrayal And Murder In German-Occupied Poland". The book documents massacres where Poles volunteered to assist nazis in the extermination of Jews. It is reported that the historian now receives numerous death threats.
The history of Polish resistance to the nazis is not one of uniform glory and steadfast resistance. It is right to honor those that resisted the nazis, but it does them no honor to whitewash the crimes of the Polish collaborators and the Poles that murdered, raped, robbed and mass slaughtered Jews, including burning Jews alive, burying an eight year old child alive, and other atrocities.
The massacres of Jews by Poles during and after WW2 in places that include Jedwabne are historical stains that cannot, and should not be whitewashed. Whitewashing only diminishes the true Polish heroes that were not Jew hating cowards that collaborated and murdered. The true heroes are those men and women that actively resisted the nazis. The true heroes are those Poles that risked their lives to save Jews in an atmosphere of enormous cruelty and hate.
Senator Cornyn's View Of Freedom: Millions Uninsured, Sick And Financially Ruined
The republican party's Senator John Cornyn believes that not having to have health insurance means giving back to Americans their freedom. Why stop there? Why not liberate people from being compelled to buy any insurance, including auto insurance? The Trump promises to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with affordable, better health insurance was a lie. And now this republican senator, protected with all the perks a senator gets, including great health insurance, could care less about the millions that will lose their health insurance and end up financially ruined.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Facebook Must Not Accept One Of Its Users To Be Murdered For Blasphemy In Pakistan
According to Reuters, the VP of Public Policy for Facebook met with Pakistani officials "to discuss the company's efforts to prevent blasphemous content after a 30 year old Pakistani man was sentenced to death by a counter-terrorism court* for posts he made on the site".
Blasphemy charges have been used to punish political opponents, to punish non Muslims, to punish dissidents, to seek revenge, to obtain the lands and property of neighbors, and to commit murder. Recently a man was murdered after being accused of blasphemy by a mob in Pakistan. It was later determined that the man had not commited blasphemy, and was in fact a religious Muslim.
Should a man be murdered by the Pakistani government for posting content the Pakistani government and religious authorities do not like? Is that a crime worthy of death? Is Islam such a fragile religion that it cannot withstand any criticism?
Killing a man because of what he writes, or what he thinks, or what he speaks, is not the way to protect a religion. In fact, it invites criticism of the religion. It invites criticism of the religious authorities, the government, and the people and mobs that blindly kill out of religious passion.
Facebook must take a stand. It must do everything it can to protect the life of one of its users. This means it cannot be business as usual. Facebook should delay its plans to set up an office in Pakistan. Facebook should make it clear that murdering the man for what he wrote and posted on their platform is a crime far worse than anything blasphemy can ever be, and that if Pakistan murders the man, Facebook Corp. will not allow Facebook to be used in Pakistan.
*( How sad that a counter-terrorism court does not address real terrorism.)
Celebrity Lena Dunham Returns Adopted Dog. An Animal Organization's Inappropriate Response
A recent news story concerned a celebrity, Lena Dunham, and her musician boyfriend, Jack, returning a dog to the shelter they adopted it from four years earlier. She alleged the dog had been abused, and for that reason the dog's behavior was out of control. The shelter disputed her claims about the dog's prior history. ( Besides, prior animal abuse is not an indicator necessarily of unresolvable behavior issues. In fact, many times abused animals are not only grateful, but make the best of pets.)
When Lena adopted the dog four years ago, she and the dog received considerable positive media coverage. Now the dog is back at the shelter. Meanwhile, the news story reports she recently adopted two new puppies (not from the shelter where she returned her dog. Possibly she bought the puppies from a dog breeder).
The news article reported a spokesperson from a major animal organization (not associated with the shelter) that does celebrity and entertainment outreach ( outreach that surely helps the organization, not animals), praised Lena and Jack as "being wonderful advocates for dog adoption... and hope she will continue to use her platform to spotlight the homeless animal crisis and urge her legions of fans to consider rescuing." (These charities are careful to not alienate big monied people and celebrities.)
Four years of having a dog and then returning it is not exactly an example of a successful dog adoption or "rescuing" and the kind of bonding that should have taken place.
Many animal organizations make fortunes playing on sentiment, knowing that animals, especially dogs and cats, are the best charities for receiving enormous sums of money. They have a public blindly believing in their ineffective, often harmful programs to address animal cruelty and dogfighting (this author challenges them to have the decency and guts to engage him in a debate). They have the public believing in their shallow, feel good manipulation of the plight of animals.
Regarding so called "rescues", in which someone adopts a dog or cat from an animal shelter...Maybe the spotlight on the Lena and Jack return of a dog after four years will show that helping animals requires things far greater than how many dogs get adopted and the so called "rescues".. Furthermore, not all animals adopted end up in good situations. Many end up in the hands of people that are abusive or at best should not have pets. But that is a story, like the exploitation and failure to protect animals, that no one wants to hear.
When Lena adopted the dog four years ago, she and the dog received considerable positive media coverage. Now the dog is back at the shelter. Meanwhile, the news story reports she recently adopted two new puppies (not from the shelter where she returned her dog. Possibly she bought the puppies from a dog breeder).
The news article reported a spokesperson from a major animal organization (not associated with the shelter) that does celebrity and entertainment outreach ( outreach that surely helps the organization, not animals), praised Lena and Jack as "being wonderful advocates for dog adoption... and hope she will continue to use her platform to spotlight the homeless animal crisis and urge her legions of fans to consider rescuing." (These charities are careful to not alienate big monied people and celebrities.)
Four years of having a dog and then returning it is not exactly an example of a successful dog adoption or "rescuing" and the kind of bonding that should have taken place.
Many animal organizations make fortunes playing on sentiment, knowing that animals, especially dogs and cats, are the best charities for receiving enormous sums of money. They have a public blindly believing in their ineffective, often harmful programs to address animal cruelty and dogfighting (this author challenges them to have the decency and guts to engage him in a debate). They have the public believing in their shallow, feel good manipulation of the plight of animals.
Regarding so called "rescues", in which someone adopts a dog or cat from an animal shelter...Maybe the spotlight on the Lena and Jack return of a dog after four years will show that helping animals requires things far greater than how many dogs get adopted and the so called "rescues".. Furthermore, not all animals adopted end up in good situations. Many end up in the hands of people that are abusive or at best should not have pets. But that is a story, like the exploitation and failure to protect animals, that no one wants to hear.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Opposing Bigotry In The Islamic World Does Not Mean Accepting Bigotry Towards Muslims
Opposing intolerance, violent jihad, imperialism and bigotry in the Islamic world does not mean opposing Muslims. More Muslims have been killed, wounded and harmed by Islamist bigots, fanatics and violent jihadists than by anyone else. Islamists try to attract followers with their tired theme that there is a war against Muslims, but it is their actions, fanaticism and hate that have harmed and caused the deaths of millions of Muslims.
It is important for those that value human rights and freedom to oppose bigotry and intolerance in all their forms. Bigotry and hate are not the exclusive domain of Islamists. There are plenty of people from different religions, ethnic groups and races that are filled with bigotry, hate, and a willingness to act violently and harm those that are different.
Bigotry in all its forms must be opposed, whether the bigotry is directed towards, or comes from, Muslims, Jews, Yazidis, Christians, Sikhs, Baha'is, Hindus, Buddhists, or the people of any religion, race or ethnic group.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Saudi And Islamist Sponsorship Of Terror And Intolerance In The U.K. And Elsewhere
A recent news story related that Saudi Arabia has been sponsoring extremism in UK mosques and schools. It has long been known that the oil rich nations of the world have squandered their oil wealth to spread the most intolerant, bigoted, hate filled versions of Islam throughout the world. There is no new news here.
The oil rich nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and its government owned propaganda arm Al Jazeera, and Iran on the Shia side, by spreading hate, bigotry, intolerance, violent jihad, and the perverted belief that murdering (and dying in the process) makes someone a martyr, have helped create millions of brainwashed hate filled Islamists determined to kill.
The fruit of their evil is everywhere. War, beheadings, rape and murder by Islamists in the South Philippines, where Islamists recently took over a city. War in South Thailand by Islamists against Buddhists, where thousands have been killed. War in Kashmir. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict in which Islamists seek the complete destruction of Israel and annihilation of its non Muslim Jewish population. War, mass murder and starvation in Northern Nigeria, the gift of Boko Haram Islamists. War, famine and death in Somalia by Al Shabaab Islamists. The horrific killing fields of Yemen, where hundreds of thousands face starvation and death in the war tearing that nation apart. The tragedy of Syria, where there is brutality, barrel bombs on civilian populations, torture and mass murder by the Assad regime along with deranged Islamists that murder, rape and torture. The ISIS Islamists that committed genocide against the Yazidi people, and still hold captive thousands of Yazidi women and girls that are being abused in the worst ways imaginable. Islamists have ethnically cleansed and murdered moderate Muslims and middle east Christians, including in Egypt (against Coptic Christians), Libya, Iraq, and Syria. Hezbollah Islamists are destroying any chance for democracy in Lebanon, and are using Lebanon as the launching pad for their Iranian masters' war against the Jews, with no regards to the mass civilian casualties and destruction this will bring to Lebanon. There is terror in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America from Islamists. Everywhere Islamists go, they bring nothing but destruction, hate, intolerance and terror.
The Taliban was Saudi funded and sponsored. Yet not once did anyone question why a full scale ground invasion of Afghanistan was necessary instead of holding Saudi Arabia accountable for the monster it helped create. In the Philippines, in Pakistan, in Africa, all over the world, children are being indoctrinated in Saudi sponsored schools and mosques to grow up to be hate filled narrow minded bigots that want to kill.
Oil has been a curse. It gave the world's most bigoted, intolerant regimes the ability to spread their vitriolic poison, not only by indoctrination, but also by war and terror. With oil wealth, the nuclear demon that may be the final destroyer of mankind, is within reach of the Islamists.
The oil rich nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and its government owned propaganda arm Al Jazeera, and Iran on the Shia side, by spreading hate, bigotry, intolerance, violent jihad, and the perverted belief that murdering (and dying in the process) makes someone a martyr, have helped create millions of brainwashed hate filled Islamists determined to kill.
The fruit of their evil is everywhere. War, beheadings, rape and murder by Islamists in the South Philippines, where Islamists recently took over a city. War in South Thailand by Islamists against Buddhists, where thousands have been killed. War in Kashmir. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict in which Islamists seek the complete destruction of Israel and annihilation of its non Muslim Jewish population. War, mass murder and starvation in Northern Nigeria, the gift of Boko Haram Islamists. War, famine and death in Somalia by Al Shabaab Islamists. The horrific killing fields of Yemen, where hundreds of thousands face starvation and death in the war tearing that nation apart. The tragedy of Syria, where there is brutality, barrel bombs on civilian populations, torture and mass murder by the Assad regime along with deranged Islamists that murder, rape and torture. The ISIS Islamists that committed genocide against the Yazidi people, and still hold captive thousands of Yazidi women and girls that are being abused in the worst ways imaginable. Islamists have ethnically cleansed and murdered moderate Muslims and middle east Christians, including in Egypt (against Coptic Christians), Libya, Iraq, and Syria. Hezbollah Islamists are destroying any chance for democracy in Lebanon, and are using Lebanon as the launching pad for their Iranian masters' war against the Jews, with no regards to the mass civilian casualties and destruction this will bring to Lebanon. There is terror in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America from Islamists. Everywhere Islamists go, they bring nothing but destruction, hate, intolerance and terror.
The Taliban was Saudi funded and sponsored. Yet not once did anyone question why a full scale ground invasion of Afghanistan was necessary instead of holding Saudi Arabia accountable for the monster it helped create. In the Philippines, in Pakistan, in Africa, all over the world, children are being indoctrinated in Saudi sponsored schools and mosques to grow up to be hate filled narrow minded bigots that want to kill.
Oil has been a curse. It gave the world's most bigoted, intolerant regimes the ability to spread their vitriolic poison, not only by indoctrination, but also by war and terror. With oil wealth, the nuclear demon that may be the final destroyer of mankind, is within reach of the Islamists.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Disband The New Rubber Stamping EPA And Save Billions
The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is ensuring environmental protection no longer exists. Instead, he is turning the EPA into a rubber stamp entity designed to green light the interests of oil, gas, pesticide and other companies. Recently the EPA tried to delay implementation of new requirements for oil and gas companies to monitor and reduce methane risks. Conservation and the fight for a clean, healthy environment is not about right or left, liberal or conservative. It is about the future. Since the EPA is effectively dead, disband it so that the concept of protection is not disgraced further. Billions of dollars will be saved.
Plastic Poisoning Of The Oceans - The Ignored Catastrophe
Everyday thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other oil based contaminants and other non biodegradable garbage enter into the oceans. The failure to protect the oceans from this daily assault by thousands of tons of non biodegradable garbage is destroying the oceans, wildlife, and ultimately mankind itself.
The garbage does not only come from coastal communities and cities. It comes from a variety of sources and places, including places hundreds, even thousands of kilometres from the oceans. Land based garbage often ends up in waterways, and much of it ultimately makes its way into the oceans. Many land based communities and the people in those areas burn their plastic and oil based garbage, which in and of itself is an ecological disaster from the toxicity released into the atmosphere, and which people breath.
China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, in that order, are the major sources of plastics and other oil based contaminants that are destroying the Pacific Ocean. All the oceans are under threat. Massive amounts of plastics and oil based garbage from a wide range of nations, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey, Nigeria, and many others, are daily pouring into and contaminating and destroying the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. No ocean, no sea, is immune from this threat. The highly developed United States also contributes to this plastic and oil based poisoning that affects everyone. Garbage, waste and lost materials from container ships and other ships and boats, add to this mess, although most of the plastic and other non biodegradable trash originates from land sources.
There needs to be a worldwide effort to ensure there is affordable, environmentally friendly packaging, including the packaging for chips, cookies, candies, crackers, and all food based items. Oil based materials used in clothing, cosmetics, packaging, medical supplies, and many other sources, also end up in the oceans. There has been little to no pressure on companies, researchers, universities and others to find alternatives.
Single use styrofoam plates, cups and other single use styrofoam items need to be banned. Styrofoam does not degrade. It breaks down, like plastic, into smaller particles that are virtually impossible to remove once the breakdown process starts.
Fishing gear, nets and lines need to be constructed in such a manner that they will degrade. Ghost nets and other fishing materials endlessly circulate in the oceans, killing marine life over and over precisely because they do not degrade.
There has been minimal pressure on food manufacturers and other companies to change the way in which plastic and oil based materials are used and packaged. These companies know full well that much of their packaging materials end up in the oceans, along with many of their products, (including oil based microfibers and microplastics). There are not enough places in the world with the capability to properly remove and dispose of non biodegradable garbage.
Modern society reaches for the stratosphere with its science, technology and medical advances, but fails to do anything to stop the destruction of the oceans and planet by non biodegradable waste. While some live in ivory towers, and while more ivory towers are built, the world turns into a sewer.
Some believe technology, including current efforts to utilize technology and ocean currents in ocean garbage patches in order to remove plastics, will overcome this catastrophe. There is no substitute for real labor and grit. Technology must not be the excuse to do continue to do little to nothing. Furthermore, almost all plastics, styrofoam and other oil based contaminants never make it to the garbage patches. They disperse throughout the oceans, endlessly killing marine life, including dolphins, whales, manta rays, turtles, fish, and seabirds. These plastics and oil based contaminants make their way into the fish and foods people eat.
A massive effort is needed, one that could employ millions of people, to do the hard labor necessary to remove plastics and other non biodegradable garbage from coastlines, waterways and the land. There is enough wealth in this world to ensure the proper collection and disposal of garbage. This is not a question of choice and desire. Human survival depends on making this commitment.
The garbage does not only come from coastal communities and cities. It comes from a variety of sources and places, including places hundreds, even thousands of kilometres from the oceans. Land based garbage often ends up in waterways, and much of it ultimately makes its way into the oceans. Many land based communities and the people in those areas burn their plastic and oil based garbage, which in and of itself is an ecological disaster from the toxicity released into the atmosphere, and which people breath.
China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, in that order, are the major sources of plastics and other oil based contaminants that are destroying the Pacific Ocean. All the oceans are under threat. Massive amounts of plastics and oil based garbage from a wide range of nations, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey, Nigeria, and many others, are daily pouring into and contaminating and destroying the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. No ocean, no sea, is immune from this threat. The highly developed United States also contributes to this plastic and oil based poisoning that affects everyone. Garbage, waste and lost materials from container ships and other ships and boats, add to this mess, although most of the plastic and other non biodegradable trash originates from land sources.
There needs to be a worldwide effort to ensure there is affordable, environmentally friendly packaging, including the packaging for chips, cookies, candies, crackers, and all food based items. Oil based materials used in clothing, cosmetics, packaging, medical supplies, and many other sources, also end up in the oceans. There has been little to no pressure on companies, researchers, universities and others to find alternatives.
Single use styrofoam plates, cups and other single use styrofoam items need to be banned. Styrofoam does not degrade. It breaks down, like plastic, into smaller particles that are virtually impossible to remove once the breakdown process starts.
Fishing gear, nets and lines need to be constructed in such a manner that they will degrade. Ghost nets and other fishing materials endlessly circulate in the oceans, killing marine life over and over precisely because they do not degrade.
There has been minimal pressure on food manufacturers and other companies to change the way in which plastic and oil based materials are used and packaged. These companies know full well that much of their packaging materials end up in the oceans, along with many of their products, (including oil based microfibers and microplastics). There are not enough places in the world with the capability to properly remove and dispose of non biodegradable garbage.
Modern society reaches for the stratosphere with its science, technology and medical advances, but fails to do anything to stop the destruction of the oceans and planet by non biodegradable waste. While some live in ivory towers, and while more ivory towers are built, the world turns into a sewer.
Some believe technology, including current efforts to utilize technology and ocean currents in ocean garbage patches in order to remove plastics, will overcome this catastrophe. There is no substitute for real labor and grit. Technology must not be the excuse to do continue to do little to nothing. Furthermore, almost all plastics, styrofoam and other oil based contaminants never make it to the garbage patches. They disperse throughout the oceans, endlessly killing marine life, including dolphins, whales, manta rays, turtles, fish, and seabirds. These plastics and oil based contaminants make their way into the fish and foods people eat.
A massive effort is needed, one that could employ millions of people, to do the hard labor necessary to remove plastics and other non biodegradable garbage from coastlines, waterways and the land. There is enough wealth in this world to ensure the proper collection and disposal of garbage. This is not a question of choice and desire. Human survival depends on making this commitment.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Leonardo Dicaprio - Are Thanks Deserved As Vaquita Porpoises Near Extinction?
Vaquitas, the world's smallest porpoise and smallest cetacean, are now believed to be less than 30 in number. In 2013, this highly endangered species was considered by one major wildlife organization to be one of their top conservation success stories for the year. Gillnets, a type of fishing gear that has been one source of vaquita mortality, were to be phased out in favor of more vaquita friendly fishing gear.
Saving the vaquitas required far more than the introduction of vaquita friendly fishing gear. In 2013, the vaquitas were already critically endangered and on the road to extinction, but at that point in time, there was a better chance of saving this species from extinction than there is today.
The threats to the vaquitas far exceeded the insufficient and questionable efforts to save them. The vaquita story is one of failure, not conservation success. (No organization will acknowledge failure. Only success and happy stories are believed to bring in donations.)
A news report stated that the actor, Leonardo Dicaprio, on his twitter account, hailed as "great news" a recent announcement that a temporary ban on gillnets has been made permanent, and thanked the president of Mexico and a wildlife organization.
Thanks are not due. We should never be where we are now. It is disgraceful that the vaquita population has been allowed to dwindle to 30 or less. This tiny population is spread out over a large area where they are still highly vulnerable to a variety of threats. They are also no longer genetically diverse. It may be impossible now to prevent extinction. This does not mean we should not try. We should. But we should also learn from our mistakes so that this does not keep repeating itself.
What is due once and for all, and will not happen, is the long overdue examination of animal welfare and wildlife organizations as to what it is that they actually do, and if their claims and advertisements match reality.
The vaquita may be the second cetacean species to recently become extinct. Two cetacean species in a short period of time, all because of mankind.
There is another cetacean species, the irrawaddy dolphin, that also nears extinction, although the situation for the irrawaddy dolphin is not yet as dire as that of the vaquita. Unfortunately, irrawaddy dolphins are receiving the same kind of "help" as that which was given vaquitas.
Governor Christie's Beach Adventure
Because of a budget standoff, the governor of New Jersey shut down public access to a number of state parks and state park beaches, on one of the busiest holiday weekends of the year.
But that did not stop the governor from enjoying one of the state owned beaches with his family and friends, where the governor was seen lounging on the beach.
The governor remarked something to the effect that if people did not like it, they could run for governor. Of course, that rule does not apply to his own family and friends, who are not governors.
When leaders, whether they are in business, the nonprofit sector, or in government, are a spoiled, privileged class of people that believe in their own unlimited entitlement, common decency goes out the window and the bar is set as low as can be.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Drain The Swamp Meant Do Not Protect Children
It was recently reported that the EPA, under its new chief, reversed a decision to ban a widely used pesticide, chlorpyrifos, which has been shown to damage the brains of infants and children. Millions of pounds of this profitable chemical are sold every year. The chemical can now be commonly found in many people's drinking water, in addition to the bloodstream of many infants and children.
Scott Pruitt, the new head of the EPA, was urged by the American Academy of Pediatrics and others concerned about children, to take chlorpyrifos off of the market.
Did the generous contributions to certain politicians by the company that makes the pesticide influence the decision to keep it on the market?
Scott Pruitt, the new head of the EPA, was urged by the American Academy of Pediatrics and others concerned about children, to take chlorpyrifos off of the market.
Did the generous contributions to certain politicians by the company that makes the pesticide influence the decision to keep it on the market?
Obama In Indonesia- Indonesia Can be A Light Unto The World For Religious Tolerance
Obama is in Indonesia. Recently the former mayor of Jakarta was jailed on blasphemy charges, which is contrary to everything Obama insists Indonesia stands for. Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population. It also has millions of vulnerable, often exploited tribal people and people of other religions. If Indonesia does not practice religious tolerance and goodwill, that region will be washed in blood.
Obama failed the Christians of the middle east and the Yazidi people. George Bush criminally started a war, and Obama recklessly pulled out before the region was secure, leaving religious minorities unprotected. The Yazidi genocide and middle east moderate Muslim and Christian ethnic cleansing will forever be a stain upon the Bush and Obama regime.
Hopefully Obama in Indonesia will do more than praise Indonesia for being something it is failing to be- a country that practices true religious freedom, and respects the tribes and people of all religions and protects them. Indonesia can be a light unto the world or it can become one of the world's darkest places. Hopefully it will be religious tolerance that will prevail.
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