Sunday, July 30, 2017

Erdogan And Turkey's Descent Into Islamization And Corruption, Using Israel And Al Aqsa As Diversions

     Protests were organized in Turkey against Israel's implementation of metal detectors at the Al Aqsa Mosque.
     Why, it is reasonable to ask, were the protests necessary when Israel already capitulated to Arab Muslim mobs and removed the metal detectors days ago?
      It is necessary because without the Jew, without Israel, how else can the Islamist dictator of Turkey keep people numbed and dumb?  How else can he divert attention away from himself? How else can he continue Turkey's descent into Islamist theocracy and away from democracy?
      Israel is the best thing the Islamist world has going for it. It allows them to remain corrupt, thieving, decadent, brutal, without ever being held responsible for anything because there is Israel to blame for everything.

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