Sunday, July 23, 2017

Maduro And The Venezuelan Fat Cats, The Art Of Robbing From The Poor

     It is in the interest of the United States and all of North America, Central America, South America and the nations of the Caribbean that Maduro and his drug dealing Iranian/Hezbollah affiliated vice president, Tareck El Aissami, not continue their destruction of Venezuelan democracy.
     Maduro stated the following, "The imperial right wing believes it can give orders to Venezuela, the only ones who can give orders here are the people."
     The people are speaking, by the millions. Maduro does not want to listen. Instead, protesters are being beaten, arrested and killed.
      Regarding the imperial right, does Maduro and the thieves that now run Venezuela really think they are men and women of the people? They have stolen from the poor to give to themselves. And not just a little. They have enriched themselves beyond imagination, and now have sprawling estates, mansions, exclusive properties and assets inside and outside of Venezuela, along with billions of dollars, while the Venezuelan people go hungry.

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