Sunday, July 30, 2017

Al Gore; Inconvenient Truths, Choosing Jihadism Over Environmentalism

     Al Gore was one of the owners of Current TV, a progressive media outlet that had a pro environmental tilt. Current TV was sold to Al Jazeera in January, 2013 for hundreds of millions of dollars. The reasons given to justify the sale included rationalizations about the good intentions of Al Jazeera and rhetoric that they would carry on the Current TV agenda, including being a voice for the  voiceless and speaking truth to power.
      It was reported that a right wing radio personality, Glenn Beck, wanted to buy the network but was refused for ideological reasons.
      Does Al Jazeera, wholly owned by Qatar, speak truth to power in Qatar? Does Al Jazeera speak for the voiceless foreign workers in Qatar, especially vulnerable foreign domestic women workers, many of whom have been subject to sexual and physical abuse, along with slave like labor conditions? Does Al Jazeera find absolutely nothing wrong in Qatar to report, an oil rich monarchy that is hardly a paradise for hundreds of thousands of foreign workers that do the work Qataris are too lazy to do? Is there nothing to report about the extreme materialism, decadence and affluence of Qatar's pampered royalty and ruling class?
        Qatar welcomes leaders of Hamas, the Taliban and other jihadist groups, that are more than happy to live the good life in Qatar. Regarding the millions of Muslim refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and elsewhere; no room in oil rich Qatar for them.
          The Islamic jihadists gleefully killing all over the world like brainwashed sheep get funded from somewhere (Saudi, Qatar, Iran, etc).  Al Jazeera deflects the jihadist agenda with the pretend talk that the west buys regarding resistance and occupation. It is a way of ensuring Islamist Jihadists, like Hamas, never have to make peace and can keep fighting and killing endlessly.  Qatar, like Islamists everywhere, need someone to blame for all the failures in the Islamic world. They are incapable of responsibility, and need a scapegoat. (Guess who is their favorite?)
            Did oil rich Qatar open its doors to the Muslims fleeing Myanmar? What about the Yemenis who are starving and dying, caught between the Saudis and Iran and their proxy armies? 
             What about the black Muslims of Darfur, still being raped and slaughtered by Arab Muslims? Did Qatar open their doors? Are Darfur refugees welcome in Qatar? What about Palestinian Arabs? Of course not, they must be kept stateless, waiting for the days when they hope Islamic jihadists destroy Israel and commit genocide against its Jewish population. Did Al Jazeera even once talk about the millions of Jews that are the descendants of Jews driven out from Arab Muslim majority lands to the state of Israel, and that now form the majority population of Israel?   
               What about the black Muslim refugees in the Central African Republic? Are they welcome in Qatar? 
                 Did Qatar, flush with oil money, take in any refugees? Any surviving Yazidis? Any middle east Christians? Any Muslim refugees? 
                  Or are only the leaders of Islamic jihadi terrorist organizations welcome to live in Qatar's affluence and decadence?
             No, Al Gore, Qatar and its Al Jazeera did not pursue the environmental agenda that you could have pursued. You had Current TV, and since the time it was sold until now, you could have alerted the world to the serious environmental problems that are threatening mankind's existence by putting it front and center.
         It is not just global climate change that could have been kept center stage. Current TV could have delved deeply into how the plastic and oil based waste of mankind are killing the oceans and wiping out species. It could have delved deeply into the collapse of biodiversity, the loss of rainforest, coral reefs, and mangroves the world over. It could have delved deeply into countries where practically every river and body of water is a toxic dump. There is so much environmental damage and destruction to flora and fauna committed by mankind that could have and should have been exposed.
          But who will do it? You had your chance. You had the voice. You had the media outlet.
Instead, money dictated that the progressive and environmentally conscious Current TV media went to the jihadists, not the environmentalists. And ironically, a strong voice of environmentalism was lost to a fossil fuel rich nation. A nation whose oil contributes to global climate change. A nation that uses its oil wealth not to improve the world's environment, but to further jihadism.
           The liberal and leftist media want Al Gore to be the face of environmentalism and global climate change, but that may be doing more harm than good.
            Hopefully, people that are not fans of Al Gore will separate their feelings about him from their ability to be environmentally concerned. Protecting the environment does not need celebrity heroes. It needs everyday people's concern and involvement.

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