Friday, July 28, 2017

Venezuela's Effort To Legalize Dictatorship

      An election will be held on Sunday in Venezuela that is nothing but a charade to legalize dictatorship. The government has banned protests. People continue to protest, even as their death count rises, along with the number of people beaten and jailed. The government is brutally suppressing its own people.
       It is not enough that the Maduro/El Aissami regime have stolen billions of  dollars. It is not enough that poverty, unemployment and malnutrition have significantly increased. It is not enough that Vice President El Aissami has opened Venezuela up to Iranian/Hezbollah and drug dealing interests, not the interests of the Venezuelan people. It is not enough that hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans are desperately fleeing the country, with most going to Colombia. It is not enough that people desperately lack food and medicine. The regime wants more. It wants unlimited power and wealth.


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