Thursday, July 6, 2017

Opposing Bigotry In The Islamic World Does Not Mean Accepting Bigotry Towards Muslims

       Opposing intolerance, violent jihad, imperialism and bigotry in the Islamic world does not mean opposing Muslims. More Muslims have been killed, wounded and harmed by Islamist bigots, fanatics and violent jihadists than by anyone else. Islamists try to attract followers with their tired theme that there is a war against Muslims, but it is their actions, fanaticism and hate that have harmed and caused the deaths of millions of Muslims.
        It is important for those that value human rights and freedom to oppose bigotry and intolerance in all their forms. Bigotry and hate are not the exclusive domain of Islamists. There are plenty of people from different religions, ethnic groups and races that are filled with bigotry, hate, and a willingness to act violently and harm those that are different. 
        Bigotry in all its forms must be opposed, whether the bigotry is directed towards, or comes from, Muslims, Jews, Yazidis, Christians, Sikhs, Baha'is, Hindus, Buddhists, or the people of any religion, race or ethnic group.

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