Saturday, July 1, 2017

Obama In Indonesia- Indonesia Can be A Light Unto The World For Religious Tolerance

     Obama is in Indonesia. Recently the former mayor of Jakarta was jailed on blasphemy charges, which is contrary to everything Obama insists Indonesia stands for. Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population. It also has millions of vulnerable, often exploited tribal people and people of other religions. If Indonesia does not practice religious tolerance and goodwill, that region will be washed in blood.
      Obama failed the Christians of the middle east and the Yazidi people. George Bush criminally started a war, and Obama recklessly pulled out before the region was secure, leaving religious minorities unprotected. The Yazidi genocide and middle east moderate Muslim and Christian ethnic cleansing will forever be a stain upon the Bush and Obama regime.
       Hopefully Obama in Indonesia will do more than praise Indonesia for being something it is failing to be- a country that practices true religious freedom, and respects the tribes and people of all religions and protects them. Indonesia can be a light unto the world or it can become one of the world's darkest places. Hopefully it will be religious tolerance that will prevail.

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