Friday, June 30, 2017

Why The United States Has The President It Has

        Trump promised health insurance that was affordable, complete, and great.
        Trump promised to bring an avalanche of jobs back to the states. Not just any jobs, but jobs that actually pay salaries that people can live and raise families on.
        Trump made a lot of promises. 
        Now it turns out that Trump had no health insurance plan. It turns out there was no plan to create jobs and bring back well paying manufacturing jobs. Trump had no plans. He only had promises and boasts.
         His foreign policy and plans to stop Islamic fanaticism, North Korea nuclear weapons and missile programs, were nothing but empty boasts. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, one of the centers of the most bigoted, intolerant versions of Islam, has recently received an enormous arms deal. Was this in exchange for a commitment to spread tolerance and goodwill instead of narrow minded religious fanaticism? No, it was not.
          Did anyone seriously question Trump the candidate regarding his promises or his boasts?
          The failure has been here long before Trump. 
          There are no easy answers in life. Easy answers and groupthink are reasons people become hooked blindly on religions, on politicians, on movements, on hate groups, on gangs, on ineffective and harmful charities, on celebrities. 
           Trump told people what they want to hear. And for the side that opposed him, they were too focused on making fun of him to ever seriously examine and question his boasts and promises.
           We go to schools, practice religions, support charities that want our mindless conformity. We join movements that demand groupthink.  
            Trump will do the world a great service if he becomes the reason people start thinking for themselves.

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