Sunday, June 25, 2017

Islam And Christianity; The Dominant Religions Of The World That Create Peace And Tolerance, Or Bigotry And Bloodshed

     Over the course of human history, thousands of religions and cultures have been crushed by the world's two dominant, often aggressive religions: Christianity and Islam. Both of these religions share a widely held belief that only they are the right way, and that it is their duty and responsibility to spread. Christianity and Islam both have spread by the sword, killing millions in the process. Christianity long ago reformed itself, after already killing millions of native populations, Jews and others. Islam has not completely freed itself of the belief in spreading by the sword.
       It is a basic human right that no one should be forced to convert, and that no religion has the right to force conversions or punish people that do not follow their religion. 
        When elements of Islam or Christianity declare that their way is the only right path and way, it sets the stage for religious conflict and intolerance. Name one single human being living on this planet that knows for sure what lies ahead after death, and what is the true nature of god or a higher power? A person can only say what they were taught or indoctrinated to believe. 
          There are many paths to being a good person. Declaring that only one religious path is the right path does not encourage righteousness. Instead, it promotes exclusivity, divisiveness, religious intolerance, and bigotry.
           If Islam or Christianity are the only right way for the entire world, then why are there other religions in the world that hundreds of millions follow, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Jainism, and many more religions where the teachings of Jesus or Muhammad are completely irrelevant or nonexistent?  The doctrine that Jesus must be followed or everlasting hell awaits came long after the death of Jesus, and was used as a way to spread Christianity through fear. Jesus taught compassion, and that doctrine of eternal damnation if he is not followed and that all other religions are wrong is hardly compassionate.
           Religion is good if it makes a person kinder, braver, more compassionate. But not if it promotes hate, religious intolerance, bigotry, religious violence, religious imperialism. The world is a far more interesting place with religious diversity, less religious fanaticism, and far more religious tolerance and goodwill. 

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