Monday, June 19, 2017

Another Terrorist Attack In London. The Failure To Contain Terrorism And The Tit For Tat Nightmare

     The evil genie of terrorism has been set loose into the world. Yesterday, a terrorist drove a van into a group of Muslims leaving from prayer. Terrorism is becoming a tit for tat nightmare, where innocent people, not terrorists, suffer.
       Nothing in this world justifies terrorism, no matter who are the terrorists, no matter who are their victims. The demented belief that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter or martyr must no longer be accepted in any way or form. Unless the religious and political support for terrorism is vigorously opposed, there will be no way to contain this evil genie and return it to its pandora's box. How many more will die or will be wounded and permanently disabled because the supporters for terrorism and their apologists keep this evil alive?

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