Friday, June 23, 2017

Nancy Pelosi and The Democratic Party's Determination To Help Trump And The Republicans

       It is more important to soothe the outsized ego of Nancy Pelosi than have her step down. After democrats lose election after election, including their recent defeat in Georgia, Nancy Pelosi remains determined to stay in power. Instead of the serious reflection democrats need to undertake as to why they keep on losing, they remain firmly behind their failed leaders in order to keep on losing. They need a change of leadership, and they need to rethink what it is they stand for. In Chicago, Richard Daley twisted democratic values and created a regime of clout and cronyism. That is but one example of how the democratic party has stopped standing for anything. In the absence of real conviction, outside of their warped self paralysis by political correctness, democrats present no alternative to republicans. Republicans keep gaining, because people buy their rhetoric and do not hold them accountable for their deeds (including the war in Iraq, for which no one has ever been held accountable.)
       Republicans do not represent working and middle class interests. Unfortunately, neither do the other pampered elitists from the democratic party.    

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