Thursday, June 15, 2017

Trump; Big Money, Big Promises And Leadership That Falls Short

     Trump has offered nothing better to replace Obamacare, the Paris climate change accord, how to effectively counter the religious ideology that supports terrorism and Islamic terror organizations, how to bring back stable, middle class supporting jobs to the United States, how to implement immigration reform that is practical, realistic, humane and not punitive, how to reform the criminal justice system, how to alleviate poverty, how to ensure the United States is a world environmental leader, how to remove waste and inefficiency from a bloated military, how to properly protect consumers and the environment, how to properly respond to the crushing of dissent in Russia, how to respond to North Korea and stop its missile expansion and nuclear weapons program, how to respond to the war in Yemen, how to revitalize blighted communities as he promised, and a host of other things. There are wealthy people who let their wealth go to their heads, and live in a world of entitlement and imagined superiority. Since many people grovel before the wealthy, it inflates their egos even more. There would never be a Trump in the white house if he were a middle class man.

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