Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Global Warming And The Real Transfer Of Wealth

      A number of conservatives and others decry global warming because they see it as a manipulative way to extract or tax the wealth of the United States and transfer it to other nations. They also argue that climate change may not be man made, and therefore the initiatives to combat climate change are unnecessary and unduly expensive.
      Even when it is 100 percent certain that people cause direct harm to the planet, nothing is done. If everyone agrees climate change is manmade, nothing of significance will be done to stop it. For example, as the oceans daily become more and more plasticized and poisoned, destroying marine life, sea birds, and so much else, nothing of consequence is done to stop this completely human caused catastrophe.
      Regarding climate change and how many conservatives and others think it is nothing but a way to take wealth from the United States and transfer it; it is interesting to note that the greatest transfer of wealth recently occurred, and not only did most conservatives not resist it, but instead helped it along.
      Conservatives and republicans, assisted by liberals and democrats, assisted by ceos and others, made sure the manufacturing capacity of the United States was transferred to those nations that provide the cheapest labor, and that have the lowest environmental, workplace safety and labor standards. The United States gave away its manufacturing wealth. 
       It would have been better if manufacturing stayed in the United States, workers earned decent salaries, garbage, poisons and contaminants were better collected and disposed of, environmental, decent labor and workforce standards were maintained, and that ceos and others that form the non labor class earned less and learned to be less greedy.
      When conservatives or anyone complains that global warming is nothing but a scheme to transfer wealth, ask them what they did when the real massive wealth transfer occurred.

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