Friday, June 16, 2017

Because Not All Terrorists Are Muslim Is Not Cause For Celebration

     A commentator remarked that the recent shooting in Washington, D.C., is proof that terrorism is not a Muslim problem.
     Terrorism is everyone's problem. It is not limited to the Islamic world, and only an idiot would suggest otherwise. Any coward with a religious or political grudge can make a bomb or pick up a weapon and use it to attack civilian populations. Just recently in China, a man killed children at a kindergarten with a homemade bomb.
       But when terrorists, including suicide murderers, are glorified by religion, terrorism grows exponentially. There are far too many political and religious leaders in the Islamic world that glorify terrorists. Terrorists are murderers, yet far too often are made out to be martyrs. As long as this continues, supported by apologists in the west, the scourge of terrorism will grow.

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