Sunday, June 11, 2017

Trump Calls Out Qatar. Governments Must Stop Funding Hate, Bigotry And Terror; Oil's Curse

     Oil has been a curse in that it has provided Islamists the wealth to spread their vile hate, intolerance, Islamic supremacy, violent jihad, and the demented concept that suicide murderers are martyrs and not the brainwashed demented murderers and cowards that they are actually. Oil has allowed Islamists to fund, promote and spread terror all over the world.
       Qatar is but one of many oil rich countries that have promoted terrorism, bigotry, intolerance and hate. The United States and west have been silent, not wanting to disturb business. But at some point, decency must take the place of business. This should have been done long ago. This is to Trump's credit that he addressed this issue. Hopefully the governments that support terrorism will no longer be ignored.

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