Friday, June 23, 2017

Too Much Religion May Not Be A Good Thing

     Religion can be like a tonic; a little is okay, but too much can be poison. Religion and faith are not necessarily one and the same. Religion has too often become a source of exclusivity, intolerance, divisiveness, bigotry, and far worse. Under the banner of religion, people are killing, raping, taking slaves; all of this in the year 2017.
      For the millions that blindly follow one holy book or another- certain that what they follow is the only truth- perhaps their lives would be far more productive spending less time glued to a book and more time simply picking up the garbage that lays everywhere on this trashed planet.
        Was it the will of God, or Allah, or a higher power, that humankind turn the earth into a sewer while people run around harming and killing each other because they believe that is what God or Allah or a higher power wants or allows?

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