The mass immigration into Europe of refugees from Muslim countries cannot be laid at the foot of one man, no matter how rich, likeable or dislikable he may be. There are many rich and/or powerful people from a variety of backgrounds that favor more immigration. The pope, one of the most powerful, influential men in the world, wants Europe to take in more Muslim immigrants. So does the powerful head of Germany, Merkel, as did Obama and a host of others from a variety of religious and political backgrounds. Soros has become the poster boy for the immigration Hungary does not want. Soros is widely disliked, including among many Jews, but that has not stopped many cry baby Jew haters from using Soros as a justification for their hate. Soros is Jewish born, but like some other Jews that reject their background, is vehemently anti Israel (some people from a Jewish background despise Israel not because of the reasons they give, but because of unresolved childhood anger issues). Soros not only does not speak for Jews, he opposes the one small Jewish state in the world.
Soros speaks for Soros and his followers, not Jews. There are people too bigoted and too foolish to realize that. Soros's money unfortunately gives him an outsized voice. There are those that want to believe in a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, with Soros at the helm. Weak, cowardly people need the Jew as their crutch. They need the Jew as their scapegoat. They need Soros like figures to hate and despise and use as an excuse to hate an entire people. They need easy answers and a target to hate, and the Jew is the world's oldest and most convenient scapegoat. (Racists crybabies accuse Jews of wanting to make impure the white race, even though Jew is a religion and ethnic group, not a race. Many of these crybabies are some of the biggest supporters of the Islamists. One of these racists crybabies, a rich, lazy man that never had to work a real job - Jew hate is often the way to get easy money - runs back and forth to Iran, a place that welcomes his Jew hating obsession.)
The flood of Muslims into Europe has not been good for the small number of Jews remaining there. Jew hatred is rampant in the Islamic world. Europe is becoming less safe for Jews. Even when Jews are forced to flee to Israel, which is where Arab Muslims sent their Jewish populations fleeing, the Jews living in Israel are told that they can no longer live even there. That is land for Muslims only, Islamists insist, supported by leftists and neonazi rightists that support any and all ethnic cleansing, hatred, Jew hatred, and human rights abuses as long as it is Muslims committing the abuses.
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