Tuesday, April 30, 2024

October 7, The Woke Defense Of Violence And Murder

There is an ideology that people are not responsible for their actions, depending on their victimhood status. 

It helped start the rise of a violent culture, in which the concept of free will went out the window. 

People considered victims were not to be held accountable for their actions. 

They were only to be pandered to, and treated like children under the protective wing of the woke. 

Only the woke knew better, who were the ones to be blamed, and who were the ones that needed their pandering.

Excuses were made for violence. Those considered victims were not accountable if they were violent. 

No matter how much violence escalated, the woke had an excuse or a deflection as to why.

What they never had was accountability. 

When people cease to be accountabile and responsible for their actions, societies deteriorate.

Violence, chaos and terror reign.

Thousands of years ago human beings developed moral codes. Rules and laws to live by.

There was the belief that those that violated these laws were responsible for their actions.

But no more. 

Wokeness dictates that there is no longer free will. There are only victims and oppressors, and whatever victims do, not matter how evil, violent, cruel and harmful it might be, there are only the oppressors to blame.

Wokeness dictates that there is no longer good and evil when it comes to those considered victims. Only those considered oppressors can be considered evil. 

Victims must be treated like little children, devoid of free will. They are not responsible for what they do. 

When people are not held responsible for their actions, when excuses, deflections, justifications and blaming replace accountability, terrible things result.

On October 7, people made the choice to rape, kidnap, mutilate, torture, behead, burn people alive, murder. 

The woke crowd has been quick to defend, deflect, excuse and justify the actions of those that raped, kidnapped, beheaded, burned alive, mutilated and murdered. 

But no amount of deflection, no amount of excuses, including excuses such as historical context or things do not happen in a vacuum, erases the fact that people made the choice to rape, kidnap, mutilate and murder on October 7.

They did these terrible things, and they started a war. 

Contrary to what the woke crowd thinks and believes, free will still exists. People make choices to commit acts of evil or to do good.

Raping, kidnapping, murdering, mutilating, torturing, beheading, burning people alive, are acts of evil and no amount of pontificating or anything else erases that fact.

Monday, April 29, 2024

From The River To The Sea, The Genocidal Call For A Jew Free Palestine

 Over 7 million Israelis that are Jewish live in Israel. They make up over 70 per cent of the population of Israel. Over 20 per cent of the Israeli population are Arabs. There are also Druze and non Arab minorities living in Israel. Millions of Jews live between the river to the sea, as do millions of Arabs, on a relatively small piece of land. 

They can either be at each others throats, in which the killing, suffering and misery continues for all, or there can be a future together in which each side sees the other as fellow human beings with a common destiny sharing the ancient biblical land.

The future must be decided by peace and mutual recognition, not by more war and violence, What is certain is that more calls for ethnic cleansing and slaughter guarantees a dismal future for everyone.

The majority population of Israel are brown and black skinned Jews from the middle east and Africa, not from europe. They are an indigenous people to the middle east and region, including in what is now Israel. Israel has been a UN nation for over 75 years. Millions of Israelis have been born on the soil of Israel. 

Millions of these Israelis had parents or grandparents that were persecuted and driven out from countries all over the middle east and North Africa, including from Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Algeria, and many more places, and forced to flee for their lives to Israel. 

Now that they are in Israel and generations have passed, they are told they must flee again. 

Go, they are told, so that there can be a Jew free Palestine. 

Prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, in British controlled Palestine, many Jews were slaughtered by Arabs that wanted then what millions are demanding now, a Jew free palestine.

That is the past that millions want to repeat. More war, terror, violence to drive out the Jews.

Millions ignore, defend, and support the rape, wounding, beheading, burning alive, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, murder that hamas and Islamic Jihad commited against thousands of civilians inside of Israel on October 7. Untold millions want more rape, mutilation and murder of the Jews.

The only ones that truly are concerned about Palestinian Arabs are those that have learned from the past and do not want to repeat it.

Millions of Jews are not going to disappear from the land of Israel because untold numbers of people do not want them there.

The continuation of the war to destroy Israel, rape, slaughter and drive out the Jews, ensures the war and violence continues to the detriment of all. 

The millions of hate mongers that protest for more war, terror and violence from the safety of the west are eager to see blood shed as long as it is from someone else.

The answer to war, violence and hate is not more war, hate and violence.

Free Palestine, From Hamas. Stop Genocide

 Hamas never hid its intentions to slaughter Israeli civilians and destroy Israel. Similiar to others that share its violent religious supremacist ideology, it seeks domination and rule based on its religious beliefs, and the subjugation and destruction of Jews and those considered infidels.

All over the world are vulnerable people of all religions on the frontlines facing rape, enslavement, kidnapping and murder from those that believe it is their right to commit these crimes in the name of religion and resistance.  

Just because hatred of the Jew is widespread and pervasive does not erase the fact that the genocide Israel faces is real.

Israelis face genocide, and they know it. If they lose just one war, it means mass rape, enslavement, torture and murder of its civilian population. Because Israel is still stronger than those that seek its extermination does not mean that it is wrong.

On October 7, when Hamas and Islamic Jihad overran the border with Israel, and thousands of civilians in Israel found themselves at the mercy of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, what followed was a bloodbath. No mercy was shown. For years Hamas and Islamic Jihad indoctrinated children into believing it was their duty to hate and slaughter Jews. On October 7 they showed that they meant every word of what they said, when they wounded, raped, kidnapped, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, tortured, murdered thousands of defenseless people, from babies to the old. 

Hamas uses the civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide beneath and behind. They started a war, and now it is the civilians of Gaza that suffer. 

Unless the world wakes up to the evil of those that seek to violently spread their religious beliefs, and stops supporting and excusing those that do this, there will be no end to this gruesome violence. 

Many rallied in support of Hitler because it seemed that demented man only had the Jew as his target. It may start with the Jew but it never ends with the Jew. 

Accusing Israel of the genocide Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Islamic Jihad and others clearly want, is nothing more than a projection. 

It is not necessary to like or to support Israel. It is reasonable to oppose the war in Gaza because war is horrible, and many innocent people die because of war. But this is different than supporting Hamas. 

Supporting Hamas means by extension supporting, or continuing to keep a blind eye, to the many organizations and nations all over the world that are raping, kidnapping, enslaving, wounding, murdering every day thousands of innocent people in the name of religion. 

Supporting Hamas means supporting genocide.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Hitler Would Have Beeen Proud Of Many American Universities

 Hitler would have been proud of many American universities and their many genocide loving students. 

Hitler had many supporters in the United States that were openly and vehemently antisemitic. They hated Jews and made their hatred known. At the time Hitler was handed Germany on a silver platter, about one third of the boxers in New York city were Jewish and did their best to fight the American based nazis with their fists. One brave lone Jewish man ran onto the stage at a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden to fight against thousands of Nazi supporters and would have been beaten to death had the police not intervened and escorted him out.

After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States was no longer able to stay on the sidelines. It was full scale war. The many Nazi supporters in the United States were no longer welcomed.

We are reliving now the past. This is a movement that does not seek the coexistance of Jew and Arab to share a relatively small piece of land. Instead, Hamas and their many supporters seek the complete destruction of Israel and extermination and ethnic cleansing of its Jewish population.

Hitler was obsessed with Jews. Obsession combined with hate, and the inability to control one's impulses, hate and evil desires, leads to terrible outcomes. Hitler was given the power to carry out his genocidal desires in that Germany, one of the most industrialized, powerful nations on the planet, eagerly followed this Jew hating lunatic.

No matter what the Jew does or does not do, the Jew hater finds a reason to blame, scapegoat and demonize the Jew. 

Even when Jews that are completely defenseless are raped, murdered, burned alive, disfigured, wounded, beheaded, kidnapped, mutilated and tortured, which is what happened to thousands of defenselessness people in Israel on Oct 7., from babies to old people, it is the Jew that gets blamed and demonized by many, not the actual people committing these crimes.

Blame the Jew for everything is an ancient evil. The need by many to have an enemy to hate, demonize, scapegoat, with most often the Jew as the target, is as old as human history itself. Most often it is the Jew that is the target, but not always. In the Rwanda genocide, it was the Tutsis that were demonized, blamed for everything and targeted. Hundreds of thousands of Tutsis were slaughtered, oftentimes by being hacked to death with machetes. 

Hamas started a war. Hamas uses the civilians of Gaza as human shields in order to maximize civilian causalities so that Israel can be blamed. 

What is happening in Gaza is tragic. It is a war that Hamas chose. All they have to do is surrender and release the hostages, and it all ends. They can be given free passage to join their luxury living leaders in one of the countries where they already reside far from Israel.

Because it is Israel fighting, and because there is so much widespread hatred against the Jew, the most privileged of people fortunate to attend universities, rally eagerly to the Hamas crusade for genocide, just as millions did for the Nazis.

Hitler, prior to killing himself to avoid capture, had no remorse, and blamed the Jew for everything, even though it was his incompetency, stupidity and foolish decisions that helped lead to Germany's defeat. Over 70 million people were killed because of that demonic man's hate and willingness to act  on his hate and obsession, combined with the immense power that was given to him. Europe and much of the world lay in ruin by the time the nightmare he started was over. Over 6 million Jews were exterminated, along with millions of others.

Many are the people that want to follow in Hitler's footsteps. Hamas openly declares their genocidal goals. When they get their hands on Israeli civilians, they show the world that they will rape, kidnap, murder, mutilate any Jew they find.

Hamas and many others demonically believe that the end times comes when the Jews are slaughtered. Hamas makes it clear this war is about religion, and that Israel must be destroyed and the Jew wiped out.

Because the Jew is the enemy of Hamas, the Jew haters rush to the defense of Hamas. It cannot be about religion, they declare. Anything bad, including war, can only be blamed on the Jews in the eyes of the Jew hater.

For Hamas, for their many supporters and followers, for the other fanatical Jew hating organizations and countries, including Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran, leaders in Turkey, Qatar and more, the Jew must be blamed for everything.

It is like the Jew is the master of everything, and everyone else are helpless children, when in reality the Jew is a tiny minority group facing the very real threat of extermination.

Many justify their genocidal desires on the basis that Jews are white, even though the majority population of Israel are jews and their descendants that originated in the middle east and Africa. Others justify their desire to slaughter Jews on the basis of Jews not being white. The reasons used to justify the dream of many to slaughter Jews and destroy Israel are many, all equally untrue and ridiculous.

Genocide and extermination is exactly what thousands of young people are marching for on the grounds of American Universities. They support Hamas and Islamic Jihad goals of destroying Israel and exterminating the Jews. Many proudly call for many more repeats of the atrocities of October 7. They gladly support and defend rape, murder, kidnapping and mutilation because it is against the Jew. Or they deny it even happened, just as many deny the holocaust. Many hate Jews so much that the mere sight of posters of kidnapped Israelis, including that of a baby and four year old child, enrages them to tear down the posters and attack anyone who tries to stop them.

They support genocidal Hamas and Islamic Jihad while accusing Israel of genocide instead of what is really occurring, which is a war that Israel did not want or start. All war is tragic, and war, especially in this day and age of advanced weapons and densley populated areas, results in civilian causalties. Hamas's deliberate use of civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath greatly increases the civilian death count.

Hitler demonized the Jew. He would be proud of the ease and glee by which millions do the same.

Meanwhile, there are real genocides, famines and horrible wars in which hundreds of thousands of people, even millions have been and still are being slaughtered, including in Darfur, the Congo region, Myanmar, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Ukraine and in many other places.

No one cares about any of this. No one protests any of this. If the Jew cannot be blamed, human life is worthless and meaningless to untold millions, maybe even billions.

Too many of the professors teaching in these universities Hitler would love, are tenured people that are overpaid, with jobs that the laziest of people would kill to obtain. They often pretend indoctrination is education. But that is another story.

The world faces enormous threats. There is enormous environmental degradation. The planet is being poisoned by plastics, forever chemicals, heavy metals, other poisons, and much more. The planet is heating up, with disastrous consequences for all. Nuclear weapons threatens all of human existence. We are losing rain forests, biodiversity, our oceans and more.

None of this interests these Hamas supporting students that are privileged to attend universities and change the world for the better. They could care less about war, famine, drought, environmental destruction, the extreme poverty that hundreds of millions of people endure. They do not really even care about Palestinian Arabs. They are only interested if it is the Jew or Israel that can be targeted and blamed.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fleeing From Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Hebron; An Ignored Jewish History

 They were persecuted and driven out from Yemen, Iraq, Algerian, Syria, Libya, and many other countries. 

Even in Palestine, which was British controlled territory, and before that Ottoman controlled territory, there were many massacres against Jews, including the Hebron massacre of 1929, and other massacres of Jews throughout Palestine.

Where they once lived for thousands of years, including in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and more, few to no one remains.

Often they were forced to flee for their lives to the only country that would have them. They were told as far back as 1948, go, leave, you have your own country now. You do not belong here.

The majority population of Israel and their descendants are Jews from the middle east and North Africa. There were more Jewish refugees from Arab majority lands than there were Arab refugees that fled from Israel in 1948 when the newly born state of Israel was attacked on all sides by Arab armies, and also by Arabs living inside of Israel.

When Israel became a UN recognized nation in 1948, the war against the new nation was to destroy it and wipe out the Jews. 

This war continues after more than 75 years. It has brought untold suffering to Israeli and Palestinian Arab. 

One would think there has been enough already. But no, the movement to destroy Israel and kill Jews continues, no matter how many more Jew and Arab must suffer and die.

All of those millions of Jews and their Israeli born descendants, from the middle east and Africa, brown and black skinned, are now told now to leave Israel because they are white, or because they are European, or because they are not indigenous, even Jews have been an indigenous people throughout the middle east and parts of Africa, including in what is now Israel, for thousands of years. 

Jews forced to flee for their lives to Israel from countries throughout the middle east and North Africa., and that now live in Israel, are told once again they must leave.

Instead of supporting more ethnic cleansing and genocidal movements determined to destroy Israel and slaughter its Jewish population, it would be a welcome breathe of fresh air if the protests in the United States and throughout the west were instead about peace, reconciliation, and coexistence.

True Peace Activists Do Not Support Hamas

 There is a difference between wanting the war in Gaza to end so that the death and suffering ends, and supporting Hamas. 

It is not possible to support peace and also support Hamas. 

True peace activists want peace. They are not trying to incite and inflame the conflict so that it continues endlessly.

True peace activists are not demonizing Jews, Israelis, or Palestinian Arabs. True peace activists know that the only way to end this conflict is for both sides to see each other as human beings first, and to accept the reality that they are married to one another on a small piece of land where they must live with one another, if not in harmony, then at least in coexistence without war, violence and terror.

Hamas is a death cult. They never hid this. They have always made it abundantly clear that they worship death. From their very beginning they have actively sought to murder civilians in Israel, from babies to the oldest of people. Until Israel put fences and barriers around Gaza, Hamas sent wave after wave of suicide murderers into Israel.

On October 7, 2024, Hamas and Islamic Jihad showed that they mean every word of what they say. On that day, they kidnapped, raped, burned alive, behead, mutilated, shot at point blank range, committed all kinds of atrocities, wounding, kidnapping and murdering thousands of defenseless people of all ages inside of Israel.

Now Hamas and Islamic Jihad hide in Gaza, using Gaza's civilians as their human shields. 

They and their supporters are unrepentant. They want more October 7's. They boast that they want more rape, murder and mutilation. 

It is one thing to oppose the war in Gaza because of the suffering civilians and loss of civilian lives.

It is a completely different thing to oppose the war simply to see a weakened Israel in order for Hamas and Islamic Jihad to continue their genocidal campaign.

A true peace activist may be completely against Israel's war in Gaza, but they in no way whatsoever support Hamas.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Reason There Is Hatred Against Jews (Antisemitism)

The temptation for many to have a scapegoat, a target to hate and despise, an enemy to blame for everything, is an enormous human weakness and form of evil.

Many people cannot resist their obsession, their need to hate. 

Obsession, combined with hate, is too strong of an evil, too powerful, for many people to resist. 

And so the Jew gets demonized and continues as the world's longest running scapegoat.

Once people are demonized, the next steps to rape, murder and other atrocities becomes that much easier. 

It is not always the Jew that is this target. In the Rwanda genocide, for example, it was the Tutsis that were scapegoated, targeted, demonized and slaughtered. 

Jews are exploited by hate mongers to attract folllowers and believers to their demented visions. Hitler hated Jews and was obsessed with them. By the time that nightmare ended, over 70 millions people were killed, almost all of the Jews of Europe were wiped out, Europe lay in ruin, and practically the entire world was engulfed in a war that almost destroyed humanity and that would have destroyed humanity if nuclear weapons were available to the deranged Hitler.

Good and evil exists. The hatred against Jews is evil. 

People have free will to either indulge in their obsession, their need to have a scapegoat, a target to hate, demonize and despise, or resist it and choose good over evil.

Untold millions choose evil over good. They have learned nothing from history. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Free Gaza, Free Palestine From Imprisonment By Hate

 Hamas and others have indoctrinated an entire generation to hate Jews and believe it is a religious obligation and duty to slaughter Jews. 

Teaching children and young people that their only obligation in life is to murder Jews has destroyed the lives of many.

The hatred of Jews is more than a sickness or disease. It is a form of evil. 

The human need to scapegoat, to have a target to hate and despise, to have an enemy to blame for everything, is an enormous human weakness. 

People exploit Jews to attract followers and to unite others around an enemy to hate. 

The Nazis did it, and look at the result. Over 70 million lives destroyed, Europe in ruins, a holocaust, extermination camps, millions of people permanently crippled, disabled and scarred from the war. 

History repeats itself because people refuse to learn from history.

Demonizing Jews is an evil that countless millions embrace.

It is like a drink that may taste good initially, but is instead poison.

If the hatred of Jews is not finally addressed, there will never be an end to this conflict.

The people that embrace this hatred, the people that want Israel destroyed and a Jew free Palestine, are on the side of what the demented Hitler chose, and history shows where that led.

This is not about supporting Israel. This is not about liking Israel. It is completely legitimate to oppose the government of Israel. 

But supporting the destruction of Israel, supporting the mass rapes, murders, burning people alive, kidnappings and other atrocities that Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on Oct 7, supporting a continuation of the war against the Jews, which unfortunately and tragically never ended with the demise of Hitler, means embracing an ancient evil. 

Now there is war in Gaza that could have been prevented. Not by the ones that call for more hate, violence, demonizing, incitement, terror. They have blood on their hands. When people on all sides see each other as human beings first, peace and justice will then finally have a chance.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

It Should Not Be Necessary To Support Israel

 There is no country on the planet whose very existence is threatened with complete destruction, and whose majority population is faced with extermination. 

Israel has been a sovereign, UN recognized nation since 1948, far longer than many of the countries that belong to the UN. Israel is the only country that faces a determined effort to completely destroy the country and annihilate its Jewish majority population. This effort is nothing more than a continuation of Hitler's war of extermination against the Jews.

When it comes to almost every country in the world, many people, if asked whether they support or do not support any given nation, will have no opinion. If people are asked if they support Canada, France, Vietnam, Nigeria, Thailand, to name just a few places, most people will think supporting or not supporting these countries or other nations is even required. The sovereignty of UN recognized nations is a given for every nation of the world except for Israel.

Accepting the existence and sovereignty of nations is not the same as accepting the regimes and governments of those nations. Wanting a change of government is completely different than wanting a country destroyed.

It would beneficial to the world, for example, if the corrupt fat cat mullahs that rule Iran were no longer in power. But nobody in their right mind wants the people and nation of Iran itself to cease to exist.

Israel is the only country in the world in which the effort is to destroy the entire nation and slaughter its majority Jewish population, regardless of what government is in charge of Israel. This is what drives the war against Israel, and this is what is destroying the lives senselessly and needlessly of Palestinian Arabs and Israelis.

Powering Genocide Are The Hamas Supporters

 Powering genocide are the supporters of the organizations and people that actively seek genocide. Hamas proclaims clearly their desire to destroy Israel and kill Jews. On October 7, they proved in their actions once again that they mean every word of what they say. On that day, they raped, burned alive, kidnapped, wounded, shot, stabbed, cut with knives, mutilated, beheaded, thousands of defenseless people, from babies to old people. 

In the years before, they sent wave after wave of suicide bombers into Israel to blow themselves up and murder civilians, from kindergarten children, passengers on buses, people waiting at bus stops, to people shopping in markets and more. That was the time Israel was forced to erect fences around their border with Gaza to keep out the suicidal murderers.

This is what the anti-Israel, pro Hamas crowd defends and wants more of. 

They are defenders of rape, torture, mutilation and murder. 

Evil is evil. Rape, torture, mutilation, burning people alive, kidnapping babies and others, murder, and other atrocities are wrong always, no matter how much the pro Hamas crowd perversely argues otherwise. No historical context crap they spew out like vomit erases the evil of these inexcusable acts.

Cease fire now. The ones that truly care about the lives of Palestinian civilians are the ones demanding an immediate ceasefire, release of all the hostages, and the surrender of Hamas.

The surrender of Hamas frees the civilians of Gaza from no longer being Hamas and Islamic Jihad human shields. The war ends, and so does the danger, death, misery and harm to the civilians in Israel and in Gaza.

Free all Hamas terrorists from Israeli jails and prisons. Not to go live anywhere near Israel where they can continue their bloodthirsty kill the Jew campaign. They can all be given free one way tickets to join their luxury living, fat cat, bloodthirsty leaders already living large in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and in other like minded places that happily support war, terror, horror and misery as long as it is far from their own soil, far from staining their pampered hands, and as long as it is directed against the Jew.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Iran Wants Israelis Dead No Matter How Many Arabs Iran Has To Kill

 The Iranian regime knows that millions of Arabs live in Israel. They know that their bombs and rockets do not distinguish between Muslims and the Jews they are so determined to slaughter. One of their bombs has already severely wounded a Bedouin child in the Negev region of Israel. 

The Iranian regime could care less about Palestinian Arabs. They do not care who dies, Jew or Arab, just so long as Jews are slaughtered.

The Lie About Israel That Is Killing Palestinians

 Many of the enemies of Israel and Jews want Israel destroyed. They want another genocide of the Jewish people. Many lie that this is their intention. Others hide this intention or try to obscure it with diversions and accusations.

They want a demonized Jew and by extension, a demonized Israel. There is an expression that if enough shit is thrown against a wall, some of it will stick. 

And so they focus on anything and everything, real or made up, that will make people despise Jews and Israel, or at least turn against them.

It is easier to hate, persecute, rape and slaughter a people when they have been demonized.

In this cruel and brutal world, in which millions of people are being raped, persecuted, murdered, wounded, and driven from their homes in the many wars and conflicts raging across the planet, there is not a single word of outcry if the Jew cannot be blame. There is no one protesting, raising their voices, quitting their jobs in protest, risking their lives to bring food or expose the conflict and harm, lifting their fingers or voices to do a single thing, even as millions of people are starving and being harmed, raped, wounded, mutilated, murdered, ethnically cleansed and slaughtered from the many wars and conflicts raging across the planet. 

The war against Israel, the lie that is being told by many, is that the war is about something other than destroying Israel and wiping out the Jew. They will make it seem that the war is about some deficiency in Jews or Israel, or that it is something that Israelis have brought upon themselves. Their reasons to hate and demonize, just like antisemitism or hatred against Jews, shift changes with the times and moods of the mobs. 

They will say it is about apartheid, even though Jews are the majority population of Israel and all Israelis, including the sizable Arab minority, have equal rights, including the right to vote, the freedom  to practice religion, and more. In apartheid South Africa, a tiny white minority ruled a large black majority population that had no rights.

They will make it seem it is about colonizing, settlers, indigenous, or something else, even though Jews have always lived on that land. 

Jews have lived not only on the land of Israel, but throughout the middle east and Africa for thousands of years. These Jews, many of whom were ethnically cleansed and driven from their homes, and their descendants, form the majority population of Israel. 

Not one single person from the many lands stolen from indigenous people, and that now live on those lands originally stolen, including across North America, Australia, South America and many other places, and that call for the destruction and genocide of Israelis for allegedly not being indigenous, is willing to leave their own country in that they are not indigenous and in order to stop being a hypocrite.

Jews are not white enough or Jews are not white, or Jews are not real Jews are nonsense spewed by some to keep the hate and war going. 

Others base their hatred and desire to see Israel and Jews destroyed on demented religious beliefs. They falsely see God as a reflection of their own evil. Some believe demonically that killing Jews is a religious duty sanctioned by God.

The accusations, the inciting to keep hate and war flowing are endless.

To be clear, criticizing or opposing the government of Israel is legitimate as long as the goal is not the destruction of the nation and its people. 

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis and more do not hide their true intentions. 

They say in their words and writings that their aim is to destroy Israel and slaughter Jews. They want genocide. On Oct 7, when Hamas and Islamic Jihad were able to attack babies, children and defenseless people, they did not hesitate to rape, burn alive, behead, kidnap, mutilate, wound and slaughter thousands of helpless people. They then retreated to Gaza to use the civilians there as their human shields to hide behind and beneath in their tunnels.

If Israel loses a single war, millions of Israelis will be raped, mutilated, enslaved, beheaded, burned alive, and slaughtered. 

This is a war against the Jew. 

And it is causing great suffering not only to Jews, but also to Palestinian Arabs. 

A decent human being recognizes that Jew and Arab are bound to each other on a small piece of land, and that the hate, demonizing, incitement, terror, no matter who is doing it, only keeps the killing going. 

Unfortunately, that is exactly what millions want because they hate Jews so much they are willing to see millions of Palestinian Arabs die just to get at the Jew.