Thursday, April 18, 2024

It Should Not Be Necessary To Support Israel

 There is no country on the planet whose very existence is threatened with complete destruction, and whose majority population is faced with extermination. 

Israel has been a sovereign, UN recognized nation since 1948, far longer than many of the countries that belong to the UN. Israel is the only country that faces a determined effort to completely destroy the country and annihilate its Jewish majority population. This effort is nothing more than a continuation of Hitler's war of extermination against the Jews.

When it comes to almost every country in the world, many people, if asked whether they support or do not support any given nation, will have no opinion. If people are asked if they support Canada, France, Vietnam, Nigeria, Thailand, to name just a few places, most people will think supporting or not supporting these countries or other nations is even required. The sovereignty of UN recognized nations is a given for every nation of the world except for Israel.

Accepting the existence and sovereignty of nations is not the same as accepting the regimes and governments of those nations. Wanting a change of government is completely different than wanting a country destroyed.

It would beneficial to the world, for example, if the corrupt fat cat mullahs that rule Iran were no longer in power. But nobody in their right mind wants the people and nation of Iran itself to cease to exist.

Israel is the only country in the world in which the effort is to destroy the entire nation and slaughter its majority Jewish population, regardless of what government is in charge of Israel. This is what drives the war against Israel, and this is what is destroying the lives senselessly and needlessly of Palestinian Arabs and Israelis.

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