Friday, April 19, 2024

Free Gaza, Free Palestine From Imprisonment By Hate

 Hamas and others have indoctrinated an entire generation to hate Jews and believe it is a religious obligation and duty to slaughter Jews. 

Teaching children and young people that their only obligation in life is to murder Jews has destroyed the lives of many.

The hatred of Jews is more than a sickness or disease. It is a form of evil. 

The human need to scapegoat, to have a target to hate and despise, to have an enemy to blame for everything, is an enormous human weakness. 

People exploit Jews to attract followers and to unite others around an enemy to hate. 

The Nazis did it, and look at the result. Over 70 million lives destroyed, Europe in ruins, a holocaust, extermination camps, millions of people permanently crippled, disabled and scarred from the war. 

History repeats itself because people refuse to learn from history.

Demonizing Jews is an evil that countless millions embrace.

It is like a drink that may taste good initially, but is instead poison.

If the hatred of Jews is not finally addressed, there will never be an end to this conflict.

The people that embrace this hatred, the people that want Israel destroyed and a Jew free Palestine, are on the side of what the demented Hitler chose, and history shows where that led.

This is not about supporting Israel. This is not about liking Israel. It is completely legitimate to oppose the government of Israel. 

But supporting the destruction of Israel, supporting the mass rapes, murders, burning people alive, kidnappings and other atrocities that Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on Oct 7, supporting a continuation of the war against the Jews, which unfortunately and tragically never ended with the demise of Hitler, means embracing an ancient evil. 

Now there is war in Gaza that could have been prevented. Not by the ones that call for more hate, violence, demonizing, incitement, terror. They have blood on their hands. When people on all sides see each other as human beings first, peace and justice will then finally have a chance.

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