Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fleeing From Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Hebron; An Ignored Jewish History

 They were persecuted and driven out from Yemen, Iraq, Algerian, Syria, Libya, and many other countries. 

Even in Palestine, which was British controlled territory, and before that Ottoman controlled territory, there were many massacres against Jews, including the Hebron massacre of 1929, and other massacres of Jews throughout Palestine.

Where they once lived for thousands of years, including in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and more, few to no one remains.

Often they were forced to flee for their lives to the only country that would have them. They were told as far back as 1948, go, leave, you have your own country now. You do not belong here.

The majority population of Israel and their descendants are Jews from the middle east and North Africa. There were more Jewish refugees from Arab majority lands than there were Arab refugees that fled from Israel in 1948 when the newly born state of Israel was attacked on all sides by Arab armies, and also by Arabs living inside of Israel.

When Israel became a UN recognized nation in 1948, the war against the new nation was to destroy it and wipe out the Jews. 

This war continues after more than 75 years. It has brought untold suffering to Israeli and Palestinian Arab. 

One would think there has been enough already. But no, the movement to destroy Israel and kill Jews continues, no matter how many more Jew and Arab must suffer and die.

All of those millions of Jews and their Israeli born descendants, from the middle east and Africa, brown and black skinned, are now told now to leave Israel because they are white, or because they are European, or because they are not indigenous, even Jews have been an indigenous people throughout the middle east and parts of Africa, including in what is now Israel, for thousands of years. 

Jews forced to flee for their lives to Israel from countries throughout the middle east and North Africa., and that now live in Israel, are told once again they must leave.

Instead of supporting more ethnic cleansing and genocidal movements determined to destroy Israel and slaughter its Jewish population, it would be a welcome breathe of fresh air if the protests in the United States and throughout the west were instead about peace, reconciliation, and coexistence.

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