Wednesday, April 24, 2024

True Peace Activists Do Not Support Hamas

 There is a difference between wanting the war in Gaza to end so that the death and suffering ends, and supporting Hamas. 

It is not possible to support peace and also support Hamas. 

True peace activists want peace. They are not trying to incite and inflame the conflict so that it continues endlessly.

True peace activists are not demonizing Jews, Israelis, or Palestinian Arabs. True peace activists know that the only way to end this conflict is for both sides to see each other as human beings first, and to accept the reality that they are married to one another on a small piece of land where they must live with one another, if not in harmony, then at least in coexistence without war, violence and terror.

Hamas is a death cult. They never hid this. They have always made it abundantly clear that they worship death. From their very beginning they have actively sought to murder civilians in Israel, from babies to the oldest of people. Until Israel put fences and barriers around Gaza, Hamas sent wave after wave of suicide murderers into Israel.

On October 7, 2024, Hamas and Islamic Jihad showed that they mean every word of what they say. On that day, they kidnapped, raped, burned alive, behead, mutilated, shot at point blank range, committed all kinds of atrocities, wounding, kidnapping and murdering thousands of defenseless people of all ages inside of Israel.

Now Hamas and Islamic Jihad hide in Gaza, using Gaza's civilians as their human shields. 

They and their supporters are unrepentant. They want more October 7's. They boast that they want more rape, murder and mutilation. 

It is one thing to oppose the war in Gaza because of the suffering civilians and loss of civilian lives.

It is a completely different thing to oppose the war simply to see a weakened Israel in order for Hamas and Islamic Jihad to continue their genocidal campaign.

A true peace activist may be completely against Israel's war in Gaza, but they in no way whatsoever support Hamas.

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