Monday, April 29, 2024

Free Palestine, From Hamas. Stop Genocide

 Hamas never hid its intentions to slaughter Israeli civilians and destroy Israel. Similiar to others that share its violent religious supremacist ideology, it seeks domination and rule based on its religious beliefs, and the subjugation and destruction of Jews and those considered infidels.

All over the world are vulnerable people of all religions on the frontlines facing rape, enslavement, kidnapping and murder from those that believe it is their right to commit these crimes in the name of religion and resistance.  

Just because hatred of the Jew is widespread and pervasive does not erase the fact that the genocide Israel faces is real.

Israelis face genocide, and they know it. If they lose just one war, it means mass rape, enslavement, torture and murder of its civilian population. Because Israel is still stronger than those that seek its extermination does not mean that it is wrong.

On October 7, when Hamas and Islamic Jihad overran the border with Israel, and thousands of civilians in Israel found themselves at the mercy of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, what followed was a bloodbath. No mercy was shown. For years Hamas and Islamic Jihad indoctrinated children into believing it was their duty to hate and slaughter Jews. On October 7 they showed that they meant every word of what they said, when they wounded, raped, kidnapped, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, tortured, murdered thousands of defenseless people, from babies to the old. 

Hamas uses the civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide beneath and behind. They started a war, and now it is the civilians of Gaza that suffer. 

Unless the world wakes up to the evil of those that seek to violently spread their religious beliefs, and stops supporting and excusing those that do this, there will be no end to this gruesome violence. 

Many rallied in support of Hitler because it seemed that demented man only had the Jew as his target. It may start with the Jew but it never ends with the Jew. 

Accusing Israel of the genocide Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Islamic Jihad and others clearly want, is nothing more than a projection. 

It is not necessary to like or to support Israel. It is reasonable to oppose the war in Gaza because war is horrible, and many innocent people die because of war. But this is different than supporting Hamas. 

Supporting Hamas means by extension supporting, or continuing to keep a blind eye, to the many organizations and nations all over the world that are raping, kidnapping, enslaving, wounding, murdering every day thousands of innocent people in the name of religion. 

Supporting Hamas means supporting genocide.

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