Thursday, April 18, 2024

Powering Genocide Are The Hamas Supporters

 Powering genocide are the supporters of the organizations and people that actively seek genocide. Hamas proclaims clearly their desire to destroy Israel and kill Jews. On October 7, they proved in their actions once again that they mean every word of what they say. On that day, they raped, burned alive, kidnapped, wounded, shot, stabbed, cut with knives, mutilated, beheaded, thousands of defenseless people, from babies to old people. 

In the years before, they sent wave after wave of suicide bombers into Israel to blow themselves up and murder civilians, from kindergarten children, passengers on buses, people waiting at bus stops, to people shopping in markets and more. That was the time Israel was forced to erect fences around their border with Gaza to keep out the suicidal murderers.

This is what the anti-Israel, pro Hamas crowd defends and wants more of. 

They are defenders of rape, torture, mutilation and murder. 

Evil is evil. Rape, torture, mutilation, burning people alive, kidnapping babies and others, murder, and other atrocities are wrong always, no matter how much the pro Hamas crowd perversely argues otherwise. No historical context crap they spew out like vomit erases the evil of these inexcusable acts.

Cease fire now. The ones that truly care about the lives of Palestinian civilians are the ones demanding an immediate ceasefire, release of all the hostages, and the surrender of Hamas.

The surrender of Hamas frees the civilians of Gaza from no longer being Hamas and Islamic Jihad human shields. The war ends, and so does the danger, death, misery and harm to the civilians in Israel and in Gaza.

Free all Hamas terrorists from Israeli jails and prisons. Not to go live anywhere near Israel where they can continue their bloodthirsty kill the Jew campaign. They can all be given free one way tickets to join their luxury living, fat cat, bloodthirsty leaders already living large in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and in other like minded places that happily support war, terror, horror and misery as long as it is far from their own soil, far from staining their pampered hands, and as long as it is directed against the Jew.  

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