Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Reason There Is Hatred Against Jews (Antisemitism)

The temptation for many to have a scapegoat, a target to hate and despise, an enemy to blame for everything, is an enormous human weakness and form of evil.

Many people cannot resist their obsession, their need to hate. 

Obsession, combined with hate, is too strong of an evil, too powerful, for many people to resist. 

And so the Jew gets demonized and continues as the world's longest running scapegoat.

Once people are demonized, the next steps to rape, murder and other atrocities becomes that much easier. 

It is not always the Jew that is this target. In the Rwanda genocide, for example, it was the Tutsis that were scapegoated, targeted, demonized and slaughtered. 

Jews are exploited by hate mongers to attract folllowers and believers to their demented visions. Hitler hated Jews and was obsessed with them. By the time that nightmare ended, over 70 millions people were killed, almost all of the Jews of Europe were wiped out, Europe lay in ruin, and practically the entire world was engulfed in a war that almost destroyed humanity and that would have destroyed humanity if nuclear weapons were available to the deranged Hitler.

Good and evil exists. The hatred against Jews is evil. 

People have free will to either indulge in their obsession, their need to have a scapegoat, a target to hate, demonize and despise, or resist it and choose good over evil.

Untold millions choose evil over good. They have learned nothing from history. 

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