This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
The Unloved Street Dogs And Cats Of The Third World
In a certain third world country, cats and dogs are everywhere on the streets. It is not as though they are healthy and well fed. Instead, most are sick and malnourished. They compete with children and other people living on the streets for food. There is no animal control entity to remove cats and dogs. And so they breed and suffer. Some get hit by cars and other vehicles. Some get injured from stones and other objects that people throw. Their search for food is relentless. Some have rubbed and scratched their skin raw and bloody from mange in order to stop the itching that will never stop. It is not a good life. No one will come to their rescue. Even if they were to be removed from the streets and humanely euthanized, the public outcry from the legions of so called animal lovers in the states and western world would probably prevent that. An animals' suffering only has value to many of them if it is in reference to being euthanized or not. They oppose euthanasia, but are otherwise not involved, no matter how much animals suffer. They might talk about spaying and neutering as a way of evading this difficult problem, knowing full well that no one is going to finance such a thing for hundreds of millions of animals that are difficult to catch, impossible to treat if infected from the surgery, and will still suffer greatly on the streets. And so it never ends. Countless dogs and cats live these miserable lives. No matter how much they suffer, no matter how much their fecal matter spreads disease to both humans and wildlife, no matter how much native wildlife cats in particular destroy, no one is going to lift a finger.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Charity/NonProfit Scandal In The United Kingdom-But The Real Issue Is Still Not Addressed
News just came out that a number of what were thought to be reputable nonprofits in the United Kingdom were spending less than 50 per cent of the money they take in on programs and services. The nonprofits argued in their defense that administrative costs,salaries,fund raising, marketing,office supplies, and so forth are high, and therefore they did nothing wrong. Unfortunately, and as usual it seems for the nonprofit world, no one examines the actual efficacy of the programs and services the nonprofit entities actually offer. I have learned first hand that a number of so called reputable nonprofit organizations in the world of animal welfare, prevention and alleviation of cruelty, conservation, wildlife protection, and more, have programs and services that are often ineffective and even harmful. No one cares if a for profit company has high operational/administrative costs if their actual products and/or services are efficient and productive. Nonprofits are not held to such a standard. Especially in the world of the defenseless and voiceless, such as with animals, conservation, third world children, and other voiceless populations,there is little to no examination and accountability regarding the actual programs and services of the nonprofits. So the world keeps being deluded into believing that serious issues are properly being addressed, whereas too often nothing further could be from the truth. I have seen animal organizations conduct so called animal cruelty investigations that only help animal abusers and dog fighters. I have seen animal cruelty and dog fighting get exploited by a number of so called animal welfare organizations. I have seen conservation groups exploit and manipulate conservation with ineffective at best programs that do nothing to protect and conserve habitat and wildlife, particularly in the third world where there is less scrutiny than in the the developed world. I have seen programs and services created that I believe serve no other purpose other than to deceive an unknowing, perhaps uncaring public into thinking something is being done, and therefore donations will continue to pour in. Nonprofits need to be scrutinized regarding how much is spent on administrative costs, salaries, fund raising and so forth. But far more important is the need once and for all to critically examine what it is they actually do; their programs and services. No for profit company can offer products and services and survive if they are not effective, unless a government is subsidizing them. No such accountability or scrutiny exists in the nonprofit world. The propaganda and marketing conducted by a number of nonprofit entities is enormous. They have many believing their self promotion.It seems no one wants to critically look at the actual reality. Ineffective, self serving, even harmful programs may look good on paper. They may bring in donations. But there is too much suffering in this world, too much harm being inflicted, for this exploitation to continue unchecked.
Would There Be Interest In Donald Trump If He Was Not Rich?
There is a false assumption that people that are rich, or incredibly rich, are the most qualified people in the world to address and resolve pretty much all of life's major problems. One person stated an opinion on a radio station that it seems many share- because Donald Trump is a billionaire, he will make a good president. Whether he is or is not qualified to be president has more than enough people arguing on both sides of the question. But the fact that a person is successful in business does not mean that person will be proficient in other areas. Having the ability to make money, even lots of it, means the person has exactly that- the ability to make money. It can mean the person is proficient in the business or endeavor that produced the money. It does not mean he or she is qualified to govern, or able to resolve complicated social, political, religious problems. Too many people have a slavish devotion to the rich. Already entire societies are geared towards serving them and appealing to their interests. They have priority access to pretty much everything. To politicians, to public office if they want it, to you name it. But being rich does not mean they are more qualified in non business related areas. Even in the economic realm, plenty of very wealthy people had a hand in the recent near worldwide economic collapse. In fact, wealth can produce an arrogance, an elitism, a mentality that blinds a person. If Donald Trump was an accomplished person in an area that is important but not lucrative, would there be any interest in him? Vote for Donald trump if you would still vote for him even if he was not rich?
Friday, January 29, 2016
Sexually Explicit Hard Core Rap- How A Childish Man Acts
In another country where English is not the first language, a hard corp rap songs plays in a store, bellowing out sexually explicit lyrics. In the states, children dance to these songs,some understanding the words, although perhaps not fully comprehending what it means. It is not healthy for children. What is the childish need by some to tell the world explicitly about their sexual exploits and their sexual desires? It is not something a man does or promotes, unless the man is an undisciplined child that never grew up or is just plain greedy and thinks this is the way to make money.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
No Safety Net; The Real And Extreme Poverty Of The Third World
There are no safety nets for the majority of mankind living in third world countries. If you are sick and have no money, you have to pray that you get well because no money means no treatment. Many people die because they have no money for medical treatment, doctors or medicine. If you are a child without a home, no one will give you a home. You will live on the streets begging, picking through garbage, or doing whatever you can to eat. If you have a child and have no money for food, there will be no government assistance or any assistance. Your child will be one of the millions of malnourished children that will have his or her brain and overall development permanently impaired. No money or little money means no school, no opportunity for a good future and a way out of poverty. And even with an education, jobs in many places are few, and wages low. No one will care if you you can eat, read, write, or even live. The safety net that exists in the United States and western world is a luxury to most of the world. The poverty of the United States is not poverty at all in the third world, where millions live without homes, in shacks, in makeshift structures without running water, electricity, toilets. People in many places use holes in the ground. When it rains, the feces comes up. Despite this massive poverty, millions are not violent. Poverty itself is not responsible for the out of control violence in this world. Americans, even the poorest, do not realize how extreme poverty really can be.
Wounded Veterans, Dogs, Cats, Animal Charities
If a major organization established to help wounded veterans is exploiting them and using them as the means to raise untold sums of money for themselves, then why would anyone be naive to think the same is not taking place in the world of animal charities? At least humans can speak out and eventually reveal what is really taking place. No such luck for animals. The exploitation of animals by a variety of organizations that claim to be about animal welfare, anti or against cruelty, for humane and ethical treatment, and so forth, is massive and completely disregarded to the detriment of animals and people.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
An Irreplaceable Coral Reef Is Lost
Over 25 years ago, I found a paradise. An island ringed by healthy, vibrant coral. You did not need a boat to access it. All you had to do was step into the water, and you were immediately in an incredible underwater world of marine life. I returned to the island several years ago. Except for a few areas, including a national marine park, there is very little coral left. Even the coral in the national marine park is but a shadow of its former self. If a young person that has never seen coral snorkeled in the national marine park, they might marvel at the coral and fish, not realizing it is but a sad fraction of what once was. A young person would never know how much has been lost, how much they will never see. What killed the coral? There are a number of reasons, including development, hotels, condominiums, cruise ships, cruise ship passengers swimming and damaging the coral, even if unintentional. What has more value? An irreplaceable coral reef and all the benefits it affords humanity, or the dime a dozen things that can be found on destroyed islands all over the world?
Zika Virus Vs. Condoms
Millions of people have died or are now sick because religious doctrines allegedly determined the use of condoms is a sin, but allowing the spread of disease that kills and destroys lives that condoms can prevent is not. Now that the zika virus is creating so much harm to so many babies, women in certain countries are being told to hold off getting pregnant. The moral choice arises again. Are the use of condoms the sin, or is forbidding the use of condoms to prevent disease and pregnancy the real sin?
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Abortion,Family Planning,Street Children
In certain impoverished places in the world, every effort has been made to deny women access to safe birth control. Abortion is illegal, and is not under consideration for legalization. By denying women access to family planning, not abortion, the result is that the number of abortions, though illegal, increase. Desperate women that do not want to have the child that safe birth control would have prevented are having illegal abortions that often put their lives at risk. The policies and doctrines that are preventing safe family planning for women, safe family planning that has nothing to do with abortion, are paradoxically increasing abortion rates and definitely not respecting the sanctity of either the women's life or her unborn child. For the millions of now homeless, desperate children living on the streets all over the third world, it cannot be claimed that the sanctity of their lives is respected. No child should be living on the streets anywhere. These children are malnourished, living in conditions of utter squalor and degradation, in addition to being highly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Preventing safe family planning means the spread of disease, more children living on the streets of deeply impoverished, often overpopulated places, more abortions, legal or illegal,and a certain guarantee of lives of extreme poverty for millions. The negative environmental impact of unchecked population growth is enormous. It is not without reason that in countries like Japan, Norway, Taiwan, family sizes are small, the standard of living is high, and the opportunities for an education and future abundant. The sanctity of life has to have meaning. It cannot end with the birth of a child. Ignoring the fact that already there are countless millions of children living on the streets all over the world and also being unwilling to reconsider policies and doctrines is not consistent with truly respecting the sanctity of life. Regarding these children, some will argue about the wonderful things some charity or religion is doing. We can acknowledge the good works of these entities, even though the money they are spending originates from their followers, not them, and that this is what they should be doing. But this does nothing to address the miserable lives that millions already face and the simple fact that all the existing charities and religions in the world are not, and never have been, the safety net or capable of helping hundreds of millions of lives( even if they were completely effective, which they are not). Simply making responsible family planning available will lower abortion rates, reduce disease and save lives, help the environment, and reduce poverty.
Monday, January 25, 2016
White Privilege
There are plenty of white people and people of all races born without silver spoons in their mouths. People that struggle, suffer, and are rarely if at all given any break in life. Likewise, there are plenty of people of all races that live privileged, even pampered, spoiled lives. Why some need this unproductive interpretation is a testament to their own condescending mindset. The epidemic violence in American underclass communities, including predominantly black communities,needs to be seriously addressed. It does not need simplistic, patronizing interpretations. And if you feel you are so privileged, then do something to uplift and help others. Guilt and false assumptions about who shares your fortunate status in life accomplishes nothing.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
The Inability to Challenge And Control Violence
The inability to challenge and control violence is one of humanity's major weaknesses. In the interest of political correctness and the pathetic desire not to offend, violence is endlessly justified, condoned, and ultimately not controlled. And there are those who thrive on the hate and violence of others to justify their own. Political violence, religious violence, racial violence, ethnic violence, rather than being contained and controlled, has legions of people justifying, condoning and excusing the violence. It therefore never gets under control, and sometimes spirals completely out of control. There are violent youths(the age most prone to violence) and psychopaths of all ages that thrive at any opportunity to be violent and harm others. And there are the enablers of the violent. The people that live their often comfortable lives usually removed from violence's direct impact; always excusing, explaining, justifying, rather than checking the violence. In the places of order, privilege, abundance, far away from chaos, all of this is academic and no one has to take a stand or get their hands dirty. There are plenty of violent, out of control youths and psychopaths of all ages, and legions of people choosing to ignore their behavior or justify it. And so it never ends.
No Kill Animal Shelters- Incredibly Lucrative, Glorified Pet Shops?
Every day in a city animal shelter in a large city, certain so called no kill animal shelters or organizations cherry pick the most adoptable puppies, kittens, dogs and cats (animals that would be adopted even if they remained in the city facility) leaving behind the difficult to adopt. In this way, they can have a fast turn over of their animals, knowing that every adoption is a source of money and more importantly a possible lifetime donor to their organization. The more animals adopted, the greater the future revenue stream.
Some so called no kill animal organizations also bring their difficult to adopt and non adoptable dogs and cats to the city facility so that they can claim to never euthanize. It is the perfect set up. Dogs and cats for free. Money made from each adoption. Every adopter a possible lifetime source of contributions. And it is all tax free. Some so called no kill animal shelters are enormously wealthy, well funded, tax free entities that really are nothing more than glorified pet shops. This applies for a number of them regardless if they are cherry picking their animals from a public city facility, or getting them from other sources. Claiming to be the best friends to dogs and cats can be an incredibly lucrative.
Some so called no kill animal organizations also bring their difficult to adopt and non adoptable dogs and cats to the city facility so that they can claim to never euthanize. It is the perfect set up. Dogs and cats for free. Money made from each adoption. Every adopter a possible lifetime source of contributions. And it is all tax free. Some so called no kill animal shelters are enormously wealthy, well funded, tax free entities that really are nothing more than glorified pet shops. This applies for a number of them regardless if they are cherry picking their animals from a public city facility, or getting them from other sources. Claiming to be the best friends to dogs and cats can be an incredibly lucrative.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
The Burnt Dog
A pit bull dog was badly burned from a garage fire. The dog was recovered and taken to an animal organization. Separately at that time, 5 dogs I recovered were turned over to the same animal organization, including three pit bull puppies. Later one of the veterinarians from the animal organization told me that the burnt dog was kept alive, and that surgeries were being performed on the dog. The veterinarian said he did not know why the dog was being kept alive, why it was being submitted to so much suffering and pain, and why so much effort was being made for that one dog, especially because pit bulls at that time were commonly euthanized by this organization and not made available for adoption. The three pit bull puppies, three healthy dogs not requiring any surgery, were euthanized. A number of months later an article was written in a newspaper regarding how the burnt dog had been adopted by a cancer survivor, and how wonderful was the outcome for all. But not all, I thought, for the three healthy pit bull puppies had no sentimental free publicity value unlike the burnt dog.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Do Some Animal Organizations Deliberately Exploit Animal Cruelty And Dog Fighting?
Are the animal organizations and people that exploit animal cruelty and suffering for their own gain deliberately doing so, or is this the inadvertent consequence of bad programs, bad policies, ineffective and at times harmful interventions? My experience and what I have witnessed and learned firsthand is that the exploitation is deliberate and calculated by some organizations and people. In other cases, purposeful or not, many ineffective, even harmful programs or so called interventions are in place because of a lack of accountability and the priority given to promoting and growing an organization and its financial well being over effectively ameliorating suffering or addressing serious issues. Unfortunately this pathology exists not only regarding animal welfare ( including animal cruelty, humane and ethical treatment, dog fighting, and so forth), but in an array of other areas.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
How Many Animal Organizations Help Dog Fighters And Animal Abusers
The world of dog fighters and animal abusers consists of many hidden places. They often keep dogs and other animals in out of sight locations like basements and rooms inside of a house or other structure. Humane investigators and so called animal cops rarely if at all can access much of the world of dog fighters and animal abusers. They are often limited to that which is in plain view, like in a backyard, and even there they can be greatly restricted, especially if they are humane investigators without full police powers, which is almost always the case. A dog fighter or animal abuser is rarely, if at all, going to welcome a humane investigator or animal cop inside of their house if one comes knocking on their door. If an animal cop or humane investigator does come knocking, the abuser can later simply move the dogs to another location after getting this unintended heads up from the animal cop or humane investigator. These terrible secret places of dog fighters and animal abusers, literally places of pain and horror, can be uncovered and shut down. Cops access these dark places on occasion during the course of their police work. Perhaps there is enough evidence of cruelty or dog fighting to obtain a search warrant. But even if there is not, police still may end up in one of these house of horrors during the course of their work. Perhaps they were let inside of the house to respond to an emergency situation, such as a domestic disturbance, or a medical emergency. Perhaps a search warrant was executed for drugs, or guns, or something else, at which time the horrors were revealed. Once inside the house or place of horror, and upon seeing the crime scene of animal cruelty or dog fighting, the police have every right to confiscate the animals and arrest the people for the appropriate animal cruelty and dog fighting charges. The problem is that few cops take action against animal abusers and dog fighters. The so called animal cops and humane investigators, with their often ineffective, toothless, even at times harmful investigations, and the animal organizations that back them or field them, are the enablers allowing the police to continue their poor response. Why do they do it- these so called animal organizations that are supposed to fight against inhumane treatment and against cruelty, not spread it? There is big money to be gained in contributions from an organization that can convince the public they actually are doing something about animal cruelty and dog fighting. Who is there to know better or question them? An unquestioning public that demands no accountability? The animals that cannot speak and reveal the truth? Responding to animal abuse and dog fighting crimes, or investigating these crimes, is not complicated or brain surgery. It is a task any cop anywhere in the United States can handle. Even if they do not want to handle the animals, someone else can do it. Perhaps one of the useless organizations can finally do something worthwhile. If there was widespread police enforcement of dog fighting and animal cruelty crimes, there would not be the ridiculously low number of arrests that presently exists. Dog fighters and animal abusers would finally have a real deterrent, and finally a real chance of getting caught and arrested for their crimes. Untold numbers of animals would no longer have to endure extreme pain. There would be a reduction in violent crime in general. Bottom line, violent crimes should only be investigated and responded to by public law enforcement. This includes the violent crimes of animal cruelty and dog fighting. No animal organization should be in the business of doing what the police should be doing. Instead, they should be advocates on behalf of animals, ensuring there is an appropriate and widespread police response to dog fighting and animal cruelty. Until that day ever comes, dog fighters and animal abusers, not animals, are the ones benefiting.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Why Dog Fighters(Also Animal Abusers) Love, Or Should Love, Animal Organizations
A long time ago it made sense to have humane investigators respond to animal cruelty complaints. It made sense for humane investigators to even have police powers. It was the time when horses were the most common mode of transportation, and people relied upon animals, not machines, for a variety of tasks. If someone mistreated their horse, a humane investigator could investigate without concern that the possible abuser would hide the horse or relocate the animal elsewhere. It is not easy to hide a horse or cow, especially when the animals were used every day for transportation and other tasks. Unlike today, in which many dog fighters and animal abusers hide their dogs and other animals in basements and other hidden places. Something that made sense over a hundred years ago and that lost its relevancy a long long time ago should not be what is in play today. But sadly it is. Every day all over the United states, people fight dogs and abuse animals in all kinds of ways. Public law enforcement is present almost every where across the country,24 hours a day. A cop may respond to a domestic crisis, and see chewed up pit bulls inside of a house, or an emaciated dog or other evidence of abuse or dog fighting. Few cops do anything when they see these things, because it has become accepted practice that animal abuse and dog fighting are not the domain of the police, with very few exceptions(like token teams of police assigned to investigate animal cruelty and dog fighting, which is utterly ridiculous, because these crimes occur anywhere, any time, and it is impossible for token forces, including humane investigators from an animal organization that are given police powers, to respond to over 99.999 per cent of the animal abuse and dog fighting that exists out there. Token forces only give the police an excuse to continue to do nothing). A number of animal organizations are eager to fill the vacuum, pretending to investigate animal cruelty, when in fact all they are doing is allowing virtually every animal abuser out there to never get caught. Imagine if only mothers from an anti drunk driving organization responded to drunk driving, not the police. That means that hardly any drunk driver would ever get caught, because even if these mothers were given police powers, they are incapable of responding to or being present to stop virtually all the drunk driving that occurs. The same reasons that we do not have bicycle theft police, anti drunk driving police, anti domestic violence police(public law enforcement responds to domestic violence and the aforementioned crimes) are the very reasons there should not be animal police or humane investigators from animal organizations. Violent crimes like dog fighting and animal abuse requires the same kind of response as any other crime that is common occurring,especially a violent crime, and that takes place any time, anywhere. Imagine if only bicycle police responded to bicycle theft, not the general police. There would be an explosion in bicycle thefts, because bike thieves would know that their chance of getting caught would be reduced to near zero. A number of animal organizations are unwilling to stop their ineffective, even harmful animal cruelty investigations, most likely because of the huge sums of money they take in by deceiving the public into believing they actually are doing something about animal cruelty. Many are the times dog fighters and animal abusers move their animals elsewhere after getting paid a visit by a humane investigator, who often show up in a vehicle as indiscreet as themselves. Dog fighters have said that dog fighting is the near perfect crime, because almost all the police ignore the crime, and that even if an animal organizations pays a visit, it is nothing but a heads up moment and opportunity to move the animals elsewhere.
The people that benefit from the status qua may point out a dog fighting arrest here or there, or an animal abuse arrest, and insist therefore that their organization is right and all is well. But the status qua only assures that dog fighters can continue fighting dogs and virtually never fear getting arrested. It also assures that hardly any animal abuser ever gets arrested despite the incredible frequency by which this crime occurs. Imagine if less than 1000 people were arrested in any given year all across the United states for drunk driving. That would be a pretty appalling figure, considering how widespread is drunk driving. That appalling figure is the reality for dog fighting. and the number of animal abuse arrests is equally dismal, considering that the crime occurs in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, and that less than even one per cent of animal abusers will ever get arrested. A dog fighters chance of getting arrested? He or she will have a better chance of getting struck by lightning first.
Animal organizations should immediately stop any and all animal cruelty investigations. Instead, they should be strong advocates to ensure that public law enforcement finally responds to these crimes appropriately and everywhere, not with ineffective token forces, but by the public law enforcement that is on duty all over the country 24 hours a day. A number of animal organizations may pay lip service to the concept that police need to respond. But they are unwilling to rock boats and be true advocates for the animals they pretend to care about. When an animal organization gets the public to believe they are actually doing something about dog fighting and animal cruelty, the cash cow from contributions can be enormous. Unfortunately, animals lack true advocates. Instead, their exploiters are many. The voiceless truly have no voice, the defenseless no defense.
Labor Gets Devalued Again- The Rise Of Contract Labor In The Third World
Contract labor has become the dominant form of employment in certain countries. Usually these employment contracts are for six months. The employee gets a job for six months. The employer gets a six month employee, sometimes with the option to renew, but does not have to worry about pesky things such as raises, benefits, unions, funding retirements, and in many cases having to pay for the long term care of employees injured permanently on the job.
The entire construction of the contract labor system is for the benefit of companies and management, with little or no regards to the human beings that actually do the labor. For many, the six month contract cycle means that at the end of the six months, there are down periods in which no income is coming in, and the worker has to waste time looking for the next six month contract. This means an endless cycle of short term employment and endless periods of unemployment. Unemployment insurance is nonexistent, so there is nothing to cushion workers during the frequent down periods between contracts. Regardless of how well a worker might be at a job, the contract system virtually assures that few workers will ever get rewarded for their efforts. When the six months are over, they are almost always out the door. In those third world countries where contract labor is now widespread, workers face a lifetime of low wages, no job security, no health insurance, no retirement, no chance of escaping poverty.
Consumption Or Conservation-Can Earth Sustain Mankind's Inability to Control Its Population and Violence?
We need consumption for economies to grow. But we need less consumption to save the planet. How is that possible? And how can over 7 billion people not seriously tear up this planet? We are rapidly destroying good agricultural land to make room for housing and industry. All over the third world, in places with the greatest biodiversity,rain forest and wildlife are being decimated. Development requires mining. Development requires destroying land. We cannot have it all. We cannot breed endlessly and think this rare planet can sustain our impact. And what does it matter how sophisticated our inventions, universities, and technology might be, for in the short span that we have had dominion over the world, we have never learned how to control our violence. An over populated world combined with our propensity towards violence does not make for a hopeful future.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Housing Over Agriculture-It Is Delusional To Think Humans Can Breed Endlessly
Land is now being cleared in a certain third world country to make way for a new housing development. People have to live somewhere, and an exploding human population requires more and more housing. The land that is being cleared and permanently destroyed is agricultural land used to grow corn along with a variety of fruit trees and an interesting tree with edible leaves. People need housing and apparently less so agriculture. Good, rich soil will be lost forever. Already the country cannot feed its growing population and has to import food. Malnutrition is widespread, and millions eat a high sugar, high salt, high saturated fat, low fiber diet. An exploding population means less agricultural land. Almost all of the rain forests are already gone. It is hard to watch the bulldozers tear up the corn field and trees. People cannot eat housing. But people also need a place to live. It is delusional to think this can go on endlessly, in which an exploding human population can keep breeding without limits.
Where Have All The Fish Gone? We Cannot Breed Endlessly
Fishing stocks are depleted from a number of human causes including one that involves simple math. If one hundred years ago there were ten fishermen in a village, and now a hundred years later there are hundreds of fishermen fishing the same waters, is it any surprise that large fish are absent, and the quantity of fish less than what it was before? It is delusional to think the human capacity to breed and populate is limitless.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Presidential Candidates And The Change You should Not Believe In From Politicians
A presidential candidate talked at a town hall meeting. The candidate said she was opposed to crony capitalism. She then criticized the federal government. Not a word about corporations and crony capitalism.The federal government is a politically acceptable preferred target, not the private sector. Simply put, the government is bad, and the private sector near flawless( except for those areas of the private sector that are not part of the politicians special interests). Why do all these candidates, democratic or republican, berate the very government that they so desperately want to lead or become a part of? One after another will insist they are running to change the government. For how long have we listened to their claims of change that we are told we should believe in? What motivates presidential candidates and other politicians? The power? The status? The huge sums of money that many of them make from holding public office, especially after they leave office? It would be nice if for a change someone pinned done candidates to be very clear and specific regarding what they claim to do. Crony capitalism, candidate? Then tell us plainly what you plan on doing to stop it. Tell us what you mean by crony capitalism instead of using a cliche criticism of the government. To another candidate, you say you will bring the jobs back from China. It sounds great. So tell us how this will be accomplished beyond the rhetoric. Did you do anything the past number of decades when American corporations moved their industrial capacities, their jobs, their adherence to U.S. environmental and labor laws, and presented this huge gift to China? We have for too long become numbed by endless advertising, slick slogans, clever marketing by slicksters from both political parties. Problem is, we believe the bullsh-t we are fed.
Hate And Predjudice
Humans may be incapable of freeing themselves from prejudices. Perhaps we cannot control our hatreds and what it is what we think about a group of people different than ourselves. But what we can control are our actions. So the next time someone whines about how terrible are the Jews or another group of people, tell them to stop being a crybaby weakling and worry about their own life. Even if you hate, try and be strong and keep it in the realm of your own secret thoughts.
One More Thing About Hair Coloring And Personal Care Products....
Just because you do not have an allergic reaction right away to a hair coloring product does not mean that you are not being poisoned and that you will not react later. The hair coloring company may direct you to test the product on your skin before using it on your hair to see if there is an allergic reaction. You may not react and therefore think all is well. But months or even years later, when the toxins are building up in your body, you may experience an array of symptoms that neither you or a doctor may attribute to the hair coloring product. Buyer beware. Research the product you are using before you start to use it, or continue to use it. On the larger scale, the oceans and lakes are already damaged, on top of all the other assaults to these ecosystems, from micro beads and other ingredients already in use in personal care products. We all have vanity to one degree or another, and vanity can kill.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Vanity Kills, Toxic Hair coloring Products, Microbeads and More
An attractive woman could not accept one of the offerings of middle age- the graying and whitening of hair. She started using a hair coloring product to keep her hair color black. As the months went by, her hair looked black, but a huge price was being paid. The hair coloring was poisoning her. She had joined the ranks of many that unwittingly are poisoning themselves. Many have symptoms that doctors may not realize are caused by hair coloring products and not something else- swollen faces, red irritable itchy skin,dandruff,other skin problems, difficulty breathing,fatigue,exhaustion, asthmatic symptoms, bacterial and viral infections caused by a weakened immune system, and many other medical problems.
Vanity can come at a very high price. Not only in terms of what products meant to keep us looking young can do to our bodies. But also in terms of what these products do to damage the environment. Microbeads are a good example. Micro plastic products used in a wide range of cosmetic products that cannot be filtered out by municipal water sewage treatment facilities because of their micro size. The result is another form of plastic enters the rivers, lakes and oceans, that never breaks down, is not biodegradable, and that wreaks havoc upon the marine environment that we do not yet fully understand. The price of vanity is a heavy price. We are exposing our bodies to an array of toxins, chemicals and pastics that wreak havoc on ourselves and the environment.
Friday, January 15, 2016
The Republican Party Is The Party Of Big Government, Just Like the Democrats
Republican rhetoric makes you think they are all about limited government, letting the so called free market work miracles with minimal interference. But the military is part of government. It is a huge giant, an elephant in the room, that consumes enormous amounts of resources, energy, materials, money. Even though conservatives and anyone with common sense knows you should not spend what you do not have, we continue to do so. We feed the bloated giant and print money to do so. Every year the United states goes deeper into debt, printing money like there is no tomorrow, completely unwilling to reform and make necessary cuts to the military. Our politicians, except a few, are unwilling to tackle the enormous waste and inefficiencies that exist in this giant government program. A bloated military does not make us safer. It cannot resolve complicated problems. It is incapable of nation building, as we have learned to the great misfortune of many. There are enormous limits regarding what military power can accomplish. No one that treats the military like a sacred cow can claim to be fiscally responsible.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Jobs Are Not the Way Out Of Poverty For Millions Of People
The big shot super wealthy are meeting again, providing the world with the answers to everything. One expert interviewed gave his answer to poverty- jobs. Plenty of poverty stricken people have jobs. It does not help that many corporations scour the world looking for the cheapest labor possible. There is a multitude of jobs that do not pay living wages, and that desperate people take in order to at least eat something. Plenty of jobs that guarantee a life of poverty. Plenty of jobs that expose workers to toxic chemicals, other hazards,loss of limbs, cancer, paralysis, blindness, all kinds of dangerous working conditions. Until there is an international standard regarding work place safety and living wages suitable for the country in which the worker lives, poverty will remain entrenched for the poverty stricken employed.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Who Else But A Weak Minded Cowardly Person Needs A Scapegoat-Jew Hatred, Ethnic,Religious,Racial Hatred
Who else but a weak minded cowardly person needs a scapegoat? Someone or some group to hate and blame. A certain individual was talking about Jews, and the way he thinks Jews think and act in a way that is destructive to the _______________ (fill in the blank for the one of the many people, aggrieved or not, that want to blame the Jews for everything). This individual follows a certain hate monger, a person that has all the easy answers that weak minded people seek. After his convoluted, utterly stupid discourse on Jews, he suddenly realized that maybe his audience included members of the group that he hates. He reduced an entire group of people( which by the way is a small minority but incredibly diverse in every way imaginable, politically, religiously, culturally,interest wise and so on), into one small box that fits his hate narrative. These weak minded cowards want an excuse to justify their hate, or to fill their cowardly need to have a scapegoat or target. They blame Jews for everything- and the list is extensive, endless, and utterly evil. Hitler showed the world where hate leads. In the end, a Europe that was devastated, with over fifty million dead, over 90 per cent of European Jews slaughtered, millions of innocent people helplessly murdered, all to satisfy the genocidal, pathological needs of a cowardly, insecure man. Since WW2, the world has seen other genocides, other mass killings. Mass murder and rape in the Congo of over 6 million people, Rwanda(hundreds of thousands hacked to death by machetes), Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge,,Stalin, the list goes on and on. Yazidis, an oppressed religious minority, are being murdered, with their women and children sold as sex slaves by deranged cowards who think God is honored by their depravity.
The lists of those murdered and oppressed because of religion,race or ethnicity is long, much longer then the above mentioned. It will never stop until the cycle is broken of defining people, scapegoating people, justifying violence, on the basis of religion,ethnicity or race. The hate mongers may seem in the eyes of some strong and sure, but it is only the weak minded and cowardly that define a person strictly on the basis of religion, ethnicity or race.
Religion Mixed With Hate-Take Away the Tax Free Status
When under the guise of religion hate is preached and spread, why is tax free status given? Plenty of hate groups and weak morons always looking for someone to blame(most often the Jew) hide behind religion and the generous tax free status granted to religions in the states. We may not be able to infringe on free speech and the right to promote the most vile messages that often will lead to violence and murder( a whole other issue) but taking tax free privileges away from hate mongers pretending to be a religion, or that hide behind a religion? It can easily be done and it does not infringe upon free speech rights or freedom of religion. It should have been done long ago. There are already too many hate mongers in the United states. Their hand needs to weakened, not strengthened by ridiculously generous tax free benefits.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Choosing War Planes Over Reproductive Health and Family Planning-Dogma Blinds Again
A woman sleeping on the street with her four children and their father holds up a baby, begging for money. They have nowhere to live and do not know where their next meal will come from, yet she is clearly pregnant with yet another child. When the population was far less than what it is now, there was an abundance of fish, forests,coral, mangroves, clean water, air. Now that the human population has exploded, the environment has been enormously degraded and depleted. A once self sufficient country that met its own agricultural needs, is now dependent on other nations to meet its food needs. Just like the pregnant woman begging on the streets with her four children, nations can become beggars, mired in poverty and despair. The country finally passed a reproductive health bill three years ago. But now it has been de-funded. An archbishop applauded this move. So did other prominent people whose own lives are not drowning in desperate poverty. What is the logic behind such applause? Are millions of malnourished children already living in poverty not enough? Are millions already living on the streets, in shantytowns, in vast slums, not enough? Does the reproductive health of women not matter? Is there a failure to understand that lack of safe, sound family planning means a rise in abortions, legal or not, even in countries where they are illegal, and that place the lives of women at risk? Nowhere on the table is making abortion legal the issue. This is about safe, sound family planning in an overpopulated country. A senator idiotically declared that the billion in currency that would have been spent for reproductive health was used to fund the purchase of war planes, considering the situation in the South China sea with China. (More living proof for the need for term limits for elected officials, regardless of the country). Warplanes over human health, reducing poverty, saving the environment.Even though a million new warplanes will not stop what China is now doing in the South China Sea. Everyone knows the two countries will not go to war over the Chinese destruction of these invaluable coral reef islands(an environmental crime-killing the reefs and fisheries of the already degraded South China Sea). What can be done will not be done. Namely, cancel lucrative Chinese business contracts. But too many politicians are making fortunes from their trade with China. And some politicians and others will make fortunes from the useless purchases of warplanes.
Over 100 million people in an overpopulated country has resulted in what is visible for anyone not blind by the loss of vision or dogma can see- millions living in slums, shantytowns, on the streets. Millions of malnourished people, stunting the growth and health of millions of children. Millions that will never have a chance for a living wage, a decent job, a decent future. Millions desperately trying to flee the country for a chance at a decent job(often at great risk, and from which many will be exploited). Millions stuck everyday for countless wasted hours in choking traffic because the infrastructure was never designed for the massive population that now exists. The near complete loss of wildlife, forests, mangroves coral reefs. The huge decline in fishing and marine populations in a nation that once was rich with marine life. What will the country look like in 50 years if it cannot bring its population under control? It will mean a living hell for millions more than the millions already living in a living hell. And it will be the end for the small amount of wildlife, marine and terrestrial, that still exists.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Studying Criminal Justice Will Not Help With A Law Enforcement Career
If you are considering a law enforcement career, and think a criminal justice degree is the ticket in, think again. Police departments that require a college education, or two years of college at a minimum, could care less what it is you study. The test required to get accepted by a police department is not something for which you can study, so studying criminal justice will not give you an edge. The best way to prepare yourself is to learn how to read and write to the best of your ability. Reading comprehension is important, so challenge yourself by reading books and articles that you find difficult. If in the end you do not pass with a high enough score to get hired by a police department, at least if you study something practical, you will still have a career path to go down. Do not put yourself in debt to follow a path that is completely unnecessary for a law enforcement career,unless for some reason you have a burning desire to study this field just for the sake of it.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Overpopulation Is Choking This World
Over 7 billion humans on this planet, although no one really knows for sure. Maybe it is 8 billion, maybe more. It is impossible to know. The millions of people living in shanty towns, in huge slums, in shacks along filthy rivers, sleeping under bridges, sleeping outside in urban slums, are impossible to count.
But for the sake of argument, we will be conservative and say the number is 7 billion, which is widely accepted for some unknown reason.
So what do we have with 7 billion? Let us start with one overpopulated country of over 100 million people. Almost every river is contaminated. Thousands live on the streets. Millions live in slums and shanty towns. There is not an adequate sewage system. Millions without access to clean water. When it rains, in many places raw sewage comes up. Hardly an intact forest, coral reef or mangrove is left. The fishing stock is depleted. The waters have simply been over fished and damaged. When the population was much smaller some 60 years ago, a whole different picture emerges. A healthier population, a healthier environment. Abundant fish. A country that exported food,ate healthy foods, (not the ever prevalent junk food), and that did not have to rely upon other nations for food.
What has 7 billion people brought? The widespread extinction, or near extinction, of thousands of species of flora and fauna. The pending collapse of biodiversity. The widespread destruction of rain forests, mangroves, coral reefs, healthy fisheries. The contamination of countless rivers, streams, lakes, coastal regions. The huge loss of most large in size wildlife. The strange,sad presence in far too many forests and wilderness areas of nothing but small animals, small birds, because everything else has been decimated.
The widespread presence among large populations of humans and other animals high on the food chain of an array of toxic chemicals, pesticides, dioxins, flame retardants,heavy metals and so forth, that no previous existing populations ever had to contend with, and that no one knows yet for sure what will be the long term consequences.
The thinning of the ozone layer, with the result that more of the sun's radiation causes cancer and other disease.
A change in weather patterns. The proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials. The rise in demented fanatics ever eager to cause mass killings.
There are those that will say, the world is not overpopulated. Resources are just unequally distributed. This is their way of avoiding responsibility, and casting it elsewhere in an arena where nothing has ever been justly and equally distributed. Even the poorest of the poor negatively impact the environment. Many have to cut trees for charcoal and firewood in order to cook and in some places for warmth. Poverty stricken people living in areas where there still are wildlife are going to get bush meat rather than starve. No human alive is without an environmental impact. Of course, those that live large consume far more.
The world economies demand consumption, otherwise the whole economic system supposedly collapses. But the needs of the environment demand restraint. Long term, humans will not be rescued from poverty and disease by relentlessly damaging our environment.
The answer is not war. The answer is not forcing the reduction of the human population.
The answer is embracing sound, sensible policies to reduce family sizes going forward. In Asia,in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, S. Korea, where family sizes are small, a far higher standard of living has been achieved than in countries where there is little to no family planning, and where there are large family sizes. The countries with large family sizes are often mired in mass poverty and environmental devastation.
Some argue that the world is not overpopulated because all of the humans in the world can fit into the state of Texas. But this is a false argument, because people require vast amounts of land and resources in order to be sheltered, clothed, fed, to say nothing of other human needs.
Some argue that for religious reasons, humans can and should keep breeding endlessly. But if 7 billion humans have already devastated much of the earth, caused widespread extinctions or near extinctions, mass poverty and endless war,then how can an even greater number be sustainable?
Controlling human population should be an important environmental concern. But do not count on the environmental/wildlife organizations to embrace this controversial issue, because their agenda is their own pockets, not alienating donors. Another reason that efficient nations with little corruption,should spear head environmental concerns, while there is still a little left of nature,wildlife and biodiversity.
Fifty years from now, what will this world be like when it is even more crowded with people, and there is a further decline in nature,biodiversity and wildlife? A world full of trash, garbage, toxic waste, polluted oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, coasts, air. And with the hatreds and conflicts still raging, people will learn one day that their undoing is not the other group of people they hate or despise, but the way a once abundant and giving earth ceases to be so.
A National Animal Abuse Registry and New Laws And Penalties?
A well meaning person stated that there will soon be a national registry for animal abusers. Such a registry, just like new laws and harsher penalties against animal abusers and dog fighters, is completely useless as long as animal abuse and dog fighting remain ignored crimes by law enforcement, with very few exceptions, and exploited by a variety of animal organizations ever eager to deceive donors and the general public alike. These organizations have helped ensure that virtually no dog fighter will ever get arrested for dog fighting, and that hardly any animal abuser will ever get arrested for animal abuse despite animal abuse being an incredibly common occurring crime. For every arrest for animal abuse, thousands of animal abusers get away by the dysfunctional dynamic a number of animal organizations have helped create. So spare us the public relations ploys and finally get serious about stopping a crime, not lining your pockets.
Monday, January 4, 2016
The Real Price Of Cheap Goods,Drinks and Foods; Faulty Wealth In The Third World
It has been declared that everything is wonderful in a certain third world country, and that the economy is booming. The economy is supposedly growing beyond expectations. But if you are here, it is impossible not to see the mass poverty. The thousands sleeping on the streets, including babies and young children. Sure, some have it well. A few are exceptionally rich. But a huge number of people are homeless, or one small step away from homelessness. Most people live in a shack without running water, often ten to twenty in a single shack or room. Marginal employment, underemployment is rampant.It is near impossible for most to earn a living wage.
The stores are well stocked with cheap, low quality foods. Plastic bags, small and large, are used everywhere. Hot foods from street vendors and restaurants are put inside of plastic bags. Cheap, low quality, nutritional absent crackers, sweets, candy, snacks, colorfully wrapped, are abundant in the stores. Every piece of candy, every wrapper, every plastic bag, small or large, has to go somewhere. But where does it goes? There is no infrastructure for organized garbage pick up except for in a very few areas. Everywhere else, in the rural areas, the countryside, most of the urban areas, the only garbage disposal system is just tossing away the wrappers and other garbage. Or in some places, burning the garbage and thereby producing a toxic plume of burnt plastic.
The organized first world thinks it is unaffected by the events and actions, big and small, of the third world. But the garbage ends up washed into the sea, carried by rivers, streams. Or it is dumped directly into the seas.
Garbage,plastics, chemicals are everywhere now. Consumed by the smallest of marine animals,and then worked up the food chain contaminating the largest of marine animals. Humans are affected. We have in our bodies a toxic soup of chemicals that never existed before in the history of mankind. PCP, flame retardants, pesticides, heavy metals. We pride ourselves on our technological advances, but we do not seem able to properly dispose of our garbage. We know that in the third world, there is no way to properly dispose of garbage. But this does not seem to motivate anyone to produce biodegradable wrappings. We are stuck with garbage that takes centuries, even thousands of years, to break down. Much of it will float endlessly in the oceans, causing untold damage and harm.
Cheap goods,drinks and foods may make it seem like an economy is growing by the rise in consumption of these goods. But the real cost they incur, in terms of environmental damage,tooth decay, diabetes, higher cancer and heart disease rates, obesity, and a host of other medical problems, is not considered. Rising consumption does not mean rising wealth, unless one measures wealth by extremely limited, blind sided metrics. The cheap cooking oil most commonly used, palm oil, is known to harden arteries, shorten lives and cause heart disease. The long term affects of the daily consumption of palm oils and a high sugar, high salt,low fiber, nutritionally absent diet is not considered.
Rising consumption does not mean real wealth and prosperity. Only the short sighted think otherwise. Cheap drinks, foods and goods comes at a heavy price.
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