Monday, January 18, 2016

Housing Over Agriculture-It Is Delusional To Think Humans Can Breed Endlessly

Land is now being cleared in a certain third world country to make way for a new housing development. People have to live somewhere, and an exploding human population requires more and more housing. The land that is being cleared and permanently destroyed is agricultural land used to grow corn along with a variety of fruit trees and an interesting tree with edible leaves. People need housing and apparently less so agriculture. Good, rich soil will be lost forever. Already the country cannot feed its growing population and has to import food. Malnutrition is widespread, and millions eat a high sugar, high salt, high saturated fat, low fiber diet. An exploding population means less agricultural land. Almost all of the rain forests are already gone. It is hard to watch the bulldozers tear up the corn field and trees. People cannot eat housing. But people also need a place to live. It is delusional to think this can go on endlessly, in which an exploding human population can keep breeding without limits.

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