Saturday, January 16, 2016

Vanity Kills, Toxic Hair coloring Products, Microbeads and More

An attractive woman could not accept one of the offerings of middle age- the graying and whitening of hair. She started using a hair coloring product to keep her hair color black. As the months went by, her hair looked black, but a huge price was being paid. The hair coloring was poisoning her. She had joined the ranks of many that unwittingly are poisoning themselves. Many have symptoms that doctors may not realize are caused by hair coloring products and not something else- swollen faces, red irritable itchy skin,dandruff,other skin problems, difficulty breathing,fatigue,exhaustion, asthmatic symptoms, bacterial and viral infections caused by a weakened immune system, and many other medical problems. Vanity can come at a very high price. Not only in terms of what products meant to keep us looking young can do to our bodies. But also in terms of what these products do to damage the environment. Microbeads are a good example. Micro plastic products used in a wide range of cosmetic products that cannot be filtered out by municipal water sewage treatment facilities because of their micro size. The result is another form of plastic enters the rivers, lakes and oceans, that never breaks down, is not biodegradable, and that wreaks havoc upon the marine environment that we do not yet fully understand. The price of vanity is a heavy price. We are exposing our bodies to an array of toxins, chemicals and pastics that wreak havoc on ourselves and the environment.

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