Friday, January 15, 2016

The Republican Party Is The Party Of Big Government, Just Like the Democrats

Republican rhetoric makes you think they are all about limited government, letting the so called free market work miracles with minimal interference. But the military is part of government. It is a huge giant, an elephant in the room, that consumes enormous amounts of resources, energy, materials, money. Even though conservatives and anyone with common sense knows you should not spend what you do not have, we continue to do so. We feed the bloated giant and print money to do so. Every year the United states goes deeper into debt, printing money like there is no tomorrow, completely unwilling to reform and make necessary cuts to the military. Our politicians, except a few, are unwilling to tackle the enormous waste and inefficiencies that exist in this giant government program. A bloated military does not make us safer. It cannot resolve complicated problems. It is incapable of nation building, as we have learned to the great misfortune of many. There are enormous limits regarding what military power can accomplish. No one that treats the military like a sacred cow can claim to be fiscally responsible.

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