Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Consumption Or Conservation-Can Earth Sustain Mankind's Inability to Control Its Population and Violence?

We need consumption for economies to grow. But we need less consumption to save the planet. How is that possible? And how can over 7 billion people not seriously tear up this planet? We are rapidly destroying good agricultural land to make room for housing and industry. All over the third world, in places with the greatest biodiversity,rain forest and wildlife are being decimated. Development requires mining. Development requires destroying land. We cannot have it all. We cannot breed endlessly and think this rare planet can sustain our impact. And what does it matter how sophisticated our inventions, universities, and technology might be, for in the short span that we have had dominion over the world, we have never learned how to control our violence. An over populated world combined with our propensity towards violence does not make for a hopeful future.

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