Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Religion Mixed With Hate-Take Away the Tax Free Status

When under the guise of religion hate is preached and spread, why is tax free status given? Plenty of hate groups and weak morons always looking for someone to blame(most often the Jew) hide behind religion and the generous tax free status granted to religions in the states. We may not be able to infringe on free speech and the right to promote the most vile messages that often will lead to violence and murder( a whole other issue) but taking tax free privileges away from hate mongers pretending to be a religion, or that hide behind a religion? It can easily be done and it does not infringe upon free speech rights or freedom of religion. It should have been done long ago. There are already too many hate mongers in the United states. Their hand needs to weakened, not strengthened by ridiculously generous tax free benefits.

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