Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Inability to Challenge And Control Violence

The inability to challenge and control violence is one of humanity's major weaknesses. In the interest of political correctness and the pathetic desire not to offend, violence is endlessly justified, condoned, and ultimately not controlled. And there are those who thrive on the hate and violence of others to justify their own. Political violence, religious violence, racial violence, ethnic violence, rather than being contained and controlled, has legions of people justifying, condoning and excusing the violence. It therefore never gets under control, and sometimes spirals completely out of control. There are violent youths(the age most prone to violence) and psychopaths of all ages that thrive at any opportunity to be violent and harm others. And there are the enablers of the violent. The people that live their often comfortable lives usually removed from violence's direct impact; always excusing, explaining, justifying, rather than checking the violence. In the places of order, privilege, abundance, far away from chaos, all of this is academic and no one has to take a stand or get their hands dirty. There are plenty of violent, out of control youths and psychopaths of all ages, and legions of people choosing to ignore their behavior or justify it. And so it never ends.

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