Wednesday, January 27, 2016

An Irreplaceable Coral Reef Is Lost

Over 25 years ago, I found a paradise. An island ringed by healthy, vibrant coral. You did not need a boat to access it. All you had to do was step into the water, and you were immediately in an incredible underwater world of marine life. I returned to the island several years ago. Except for a few areas, including a national marine park, there is very little coral left. Even the coral in the national marine park is but a shadow of its former self. If a young person that has never seen coral snorkeled in the national marine park, they might marvel at the coral and fish, not realizing it is but a sad fraction of what once was. A young person would never know how much has been lost, how much they will never see. What killed the coral? There are a number of reasons, including development, hotels, condominiums, cruise ships, cruise ship passengers swimming and damaging the coral, even if unintentional. What has more value? An irreplaceable coral reef and all the benefits it affords humanity, or the dime a dozen things that can be found on destroyed islands all over the world?

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