Friday, January 8, 2016

Studying Criminal Justice Will Not Help With A Law Enforcement Career

If you are considering a law enforcement career, and think a criminal justice degree is the ticket in, think again. Police departments that require a college education, or two years of college at a minimum, could care less what it is you study. The test required to get accepted by a police department is not something for which you can study, so studying criminal justice will not give you an edge. The best way to prepare yourself is to learn how to read and write to the best of your ability. Reading comprehension is important, so challenge yourself by reading books and articles that you find difficult. If in the end you do not pass with a high enough score to get hired by a police department, at least if you study something practical, you will still have a career path to go down. Do not put yourself in debt to follow a path that is completely unnecessary for a law enforcement career,unless for some reason you have a burning desire to study this field just for the sake of it.

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