Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Do Not Be Seduced By Fast, Mad, Easy Money

Save yourself a lot of time and grief and do not chase mad, fast, easy money. Sure,it exists for a few, and a few will win big. But most will lose, because fast, mad,easy money, like any kind of gambling situation, will reward a few and punish the many. And because the lure, the fast, mad, easy money, is seductive, many will fall for this trap. So turn off the t.v. and refuse to watch. Do not let yourself become seduced. It is too bad that gamblers, not workers, are the ones rewarded in today's world. But besides the moral considerations about lowlife gambling shows that pretend to be about investing, the reality is that being the slow tortoise, not the follower of any fast loud mouth, will reward most far better in the end. Do the research yourself. Passive dollar cost averaging investing in broad based low cost index funds will do better than most actively managed mutual funds, money managers, and stock pickers. It is a huge industry selling people on the idea that they will be better rewarded by following someone else's advice, which is simply not the truth. Do not throw your life away. Do not waste your time. Think twice before following television shows and fools that could care less how much you might get hurt.

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