Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jew Hating, Jew Baiting

If you throw enough mud on a wall, eventually some of it will stick. Those who hate and want to persecute Jews endlessly accuse them of everything bad in the world they can think of. By demeaning and tarnishing the character of Jews, by reducing them to an evil caricature, it makes it easier to hate, to persecute, and to even murder them. People like someone to hate and despise, and that they can blame for everything. It does not matter if you respond rationally to the endless accusations against Jews, because none of this has to do with what is rational and factual. Weak people need scapegoats. Their need to be accepted and part of a group, no matter how hate filled the group might be, is greater than their need to be ethical. Manipulative, greedy men know all of this. They know that they can be rich, they can obtain fortunes, they can attract followers, in some cases huge numbers of followers, by Jew hating and Jew baiting. The Jew as the eternal scapegoat has caused centuries of blood and misery. Jew hating, Jew baiting, the domain of the cowardly, is humanity's shame that persists to this day.

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