Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Rise Of Brain Damaging "Sports"

No matter how tough, how strong, how much a warrior a person might be, or imagine them self to be, they are still only human. One of the world's more fragile species. We are not lions, we are not sharks, we are not orcas. We are not masterful predators able to survive in harsh, forbidding environments in which we have only our own senses upon which to rely. Every blow to the head can set off a spark, the beginning of a damaging process that will later debilitate the person as he or she ages. No matter how a person trains their body to withstand blows, no such thing can ever be done for the head. The brain is a fragile, precious organ never meant to be struck, never meant to take blows. All these people taking blows to the head in their youth do not realize the enormous suffering, the enormous loss to cognitive functioning, that the unkind hand of time may inflict.

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