Sunday, February 7, 2016

Police And The Press Fail Again-Spin Over Substance

I happened to read an article in a newspsper that to me rarely has an article of any substance. But this was an exception. I will not get into the details of the article, but I would like to respond with some comments and questions. Why was a spokesman for a police union allowed to respond to police shooting crime scenes or any crime scene? Who authorized this poor judgement? Who from the union? Who from the police department? Why was the media so unquestioning as to the source of their information? Why does a police union need a news media spokesman? It must have something more productive to do with its money. And why is this person still on their payroll? Why is spin more important than substance? I always thought it wrong for a police department or a union to have a news affairs department or personal. It is a waste of money and manpower. It is not the function of a police department or union to massage the media and focus on spin over substance. Once again the media proves its obsession with the sensational, with getting a story, clouds its judgment. But since most reporters are morally bankrupt or at best shallow creatures, it is fitting that they went along.

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