Monday, February 22, 2016

The Perilous Future Of Mankind And The Need For Conservation And Biodiversity

In certain ways humans are not the most intelligent species on the planet. Almost everything that lives in this world finds a niche, finds a way or tries to find a way to survive by living within the confines of what nature provides. Only human kind seeks to alter nature to our design, despite finding that nature controls us far more than we control it. In our drive to change nature, we have made the world uninhabitable for thousands of species that cannot live in such a world and are now extinct or near extinction. At some point, a world made uninhabitable for other species will also be made uninhabitable for us. There is a limit to how much we can contaminate, how much we can pollute, how much we can poison our world and still survive, let alone prosper. Since we are unwilling to control our out of control population growth, since we are unwilling to control our insatiable desire to kill and destroy, the least we can do is preserve the few areas left on this planet that are still biologically rich and diverse. This way, if we ever do come to our senses, we will not have lost everything. Biological diversity, the lifesaving gift that nature provides, will still be here. Preserving what little of nature is left will be our gift to generations of the future. As it is right now, we are giving little more than an overcrowded, polluted, contaminated world full of war, hate, weapons of mass destruction, and fanatics, especially religious demented fanatics that are obsessed with killing and death.

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